Major Shareholder Announcement

Udgivet den 26-05-2017  |  kl. 20:43  |  

Copenhagen, 2017-05-26 20:43 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

No. 12/2017

ISS (ISS.CO, ISS DC, ISSDY), a leading global provider of facility services, hereby announces the receipt of notification pursuant to section 29 of the Danish Securities Trading Act from BlackRock, Inc. that its aggregate indirect holding of shares amounts to 9,303,785 which corresponds to 5.01% of the share capital and voting rights in ISS A/S while its aggregate indirect holding of other financial instruments represent a value corresponding to 0.42% of the share capital and voting rights in ISS A/S.



For investor enquiries
Nicholas Ward, Head of Group Investor Relations, +45 38 17 62 51
Martin Kjær Hansen, Senior Investor Relations Manager, +45 38 17 64 31

For media enquiries
Lena Stennicke, Global Media Relations Manager, +45 38 17 65 03


About ISS

The ISS Group was founded in Copenhagen in 1901 and has grown to become one of the world's leading Facility Services companies. ISS offers a wide range of services such as: Cleaning, Catering, Security, Property and Support Services as well as Facility Management. Global revenue amounted to DKK 79.1 billion in 2016 and ISS has more than 491,000 employees and activities in more than 70 countries across Europe, Asia, North America, Latin America and Pacific, serving thousands of both public and private sector customers. For more information, visit

ISS A/S, ISIN DK0060542181, ISIN US4651472056  
ISS Global A/S, ISIN XS1145526585, ISIN XS1330300341, ISIN XS1145526825

Vedhæftede filer:

ISS Announcement - Major Shareholder Announcement, 260517.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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