Conference call 28 February at 13.00 (CET) about Annual Report 2018

Udgivet den 21-02-2019  |  kl. 08:00  |  


Goodvalley will release its Annual Report 2018 on 28 February 2019.

On 28 February 2019 at 13.00 (CET), Goodvalley will host a conference call at which CEO Tom Axelgaard and CFO Hans Henrik Pedersen will provide comments on financial and operational performance in the Financial Year 2018, the outlook and answer questions. Registration is not required.

The conference call will be conducted in English and can be followed live here:

Participants should dial the numbers provided below and state conference code 9789218

Denmark: +45 32 72 80 42
Norway: +47 239 60264
Sweden: +46 (0)850 692180
United Kingdom: +44 (0)844 571 8892
United States: +1 631 5107495

Further Information

Group Communications, Anne Axelgaard

+ 45 76 52 20 00

Goodvalley at a glance

Goodvalley is an international producer of high quality pork products operating in Poland, Ukraine and Russia based on Danish production standards. The company is to a large extent self-sufficient and masters the whole production chain from field to fork, from growing crops for feed, breeding and slaughtering pigs including using the manure in biogas facilities to produce electricity and organic fertilizer for the fields. Goodvalley is certified as CO2 neutral in the entire organization by German TÜV and operates according to the highest standards in terms of animal welfare, transparency in the production and sustainable production methods.


Company announcement no 1 2019 - Conference call about annual report 2018


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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