Invitation: Next Games Corporation's Business Review January-March 2019

Udgivet den 18-04-2019  |  kl. 09:00  |  

Press Release 18 April 2019 at 12:00 EEST

Next Games' Business Review for January-March 2019 will be published on Friday 26 April 2019 at 08:00 EEST. The full report will be available at

We will hold an audiocast and a phone conference both in Finnish and in English. Next Games' Q1/2019 Business Review will be presented by CEO Teemu Huuhtanen and CFO Annina Salvén.

Audiocast and phone conference

The Finnish audiocast starts at 09:30 EEST. You can join the audiocast using the following link:

The Finnish telephone conference can be joined by calling your location's phone number couple of minutes before the start and using confirmation code: 502354

Location Phone Number
Austria, Vienna +43 (0)1 9289 265
Denmark, Copenhagen +45 35 15 80 48
Finland, Helsinki +358 (0)9 7479 0360
France, Paris +33 (0)1 76 77 22 73
Germany, Frankfurt +49 (0)69 2222 13426
Ireland, Dublin +353 (0)1 246 5637
Italy, Rome +39 06 8750 0722
Luxembourg, Luxembourg +352 2088 0403
Netherlands, Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 721 9250
Norway, Oslo +47 2100 2613
Sweden, Stockholm +46 (0)8 5033 6573
Switzerland, Zurich +41 (0)44 580 7230
United Kingdom, Local +44 (0)330 336 9104
United States, Los Angeles +1 323-794-2558

The English audiocast starts at 10:30 EEST. You can join the audiocast using the following link:

The English telephone conference can be joined by calling calling your location's phone number couple of minutes before the start and using confirmation code: 934643

Location Phone Number
Austria, Vienna +43 (0)1 9289 265
Denmark, Copenhagen +45 35 15 80 48
Finland, Helsinki +358 (0)9 7479 0360
France, Paris +33 (0)1 76 77 22 73
Germany, Frankfurt +49 (0)69 2222 13426
Ireland, Dublin +353 (0)1 246 5637
Italy, Rome +39 06 8750 0722
Luxembourg, Luxembourg +352 2088 0403
Netherlands, Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 721 9250
Norway, Oslo +47 2100 2613
Sweden, Stockholm +46 (0)8 5033 6573
Switzerland, Geneva +41 (0)22 567 5728
Switzerland, Zurich +41 (0)44 580 7230
United Kingdom, Local +44 (0)330 336 9104
United States, Los Angeles +1 323-794-2095

Recordings from the audiocast events will be available at on the same day.

Additional information:
Saara Bergström
+358 (0)50 483 3896

About Next Games
Next Games (Helsinki Nasdaq First North: NXTGMS) is the first publicly listed mobile game developer and publisher in Finland, specializing in games based on entertainment franchises, such as movies, TV series or books. The developers of the critically acclaimed The Walking Dead games redefines the way franchise entertainment transforms into highly engaging service-based mobile games. In summer 2018, Next Games launched The Walking Dead: Our World, which utilizes cutting edge AR technology and is powered by Google Maps. Currently Next Games is working on multiple new games based on popular entertainment franchises including, Blade Runner Nexus, for the popular Blade Runner franchise. For more information head to


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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