Banca IFIS, the Shareholders' Meeting approves the 2018 financial statements and the 1.05 Euro dividend per share
Banca IFIS, the Shareholders' Meeting approves
the 2018 financial statements and the 1.05 Euro dividend per share
Mestre (Venice), 19 April 2019 - The Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Banca IFIS S.p.A, held today under the chairmanship of Sebastien Egon Fürstenberg, approved:
the financial statements for 2018, whose preliminary results were announced on 11 February 2019;
the distribution to shareholders of a dividend (before tax withholdings required by law) of 1.05 Euro per ordinary share with ex-dividend date (coupon no. 22) on 29 April 2019, record date on 30 April and payment date on 2 May 2019. The dividend will be paid through the authorised intermediaries with which shares are registered in the Monte Titoli system;
the increase in the number of directors from 9 to 12, by appointing Simona Arduini, Antonella Malinconico, Beatrice Colleoni, Monica Billio, Sebastien Egon Fürstenberg, Ernesto Fürstenberg Fassio, Luciano Colombini, Alessandro Csillaghy de Pacser, Luca Lo Giudice, Daniele Umberto Santosuosso, Divo Gronchi e Roberto Diacetti as members of the Board of Directors for the three-year period 2019-2021, setting the remuneration payable to the directors for the performance of their duties. The Meeting also appointed Giacomo Bugna (Chairman of Board of Statutory Auditors), Franco Olivetti (Standing Auditor), Marinella Monterumisi (Standing Auditor), Giuseppina Manzo (Substitute statutory auditor) e Alessandro Carducci Artenisio (Substitute statutory auditor) as members of the Board of Statutory Auditors, setting the remuneration payable to each of them for the performance of their duties;
the contents of Section I of the "Remuneration Report" prepared pursuant to Article 123 ter of the Consolidated Law on Finance. The Meeting also acknowledged the report on the implementation of the remuneration policies for 2018, also for the purposes of adjusting Banca IFIS Banking Group's remuneration policies for 2019;
the proposal to increase the Independent Auditors' remuneration.
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