Chr. Hansen Holding A/S acquires HSO Health Care GmbH

Udgivet den 20-04-2020  |  kl. 17:27  |  

Company Announcement No. 14 / 2020

Announcement is attached. 

For further information please contact:

Martin Riise, Head of Investor Relations, Tel: +45 5339 2250
Annika Stern, Investor Relations Officer, Tel: +45 2399 2382
Camilla Lercke, Head of Media Relations, Tel: +45 5339 2384

About HSO Health Care GmbH

Founded in 2007, HSO Health Care GmbH is an Austrian company that focuses on the research and development of probiotics targeting women's health. The company developed the patented composition Astarte™, a unique probiotic formulation for women´s health supported by science. Since the introduction of the Astarte™ line to the marketplace, demand has experienced explosive growth. In 2019, HSO Health Care's Astarte™ won the "Probiotic of the Year" award at the NutraIngredients Awards in both the US and in the EU. Further information can be found at

About Chr. Hansen
Chr. Hansen is a leading, global bioscience company that develops natural ingredient solutions for the food, nutritional, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries. We develop and produce cultures, enzymes, probiotics and natural colors for a rich variety of foods, confectionery, beverages, dietary supplements and even animal feed and plant protection. Our product innovation is based on around 40,000 microbial strains - we like to refer to them as 'good bacteria'. Our solutions enable food manufacturers to produce more with less - while also reducing the use of chemicals and other synthetic additives - which make our products highly relevant in today's world. Sustainability is an integral part of Chr. Hansen's vision to improve food and health. In 2019 Chr. Hansen was ranked as the world's most sustainable company by Corporate Knights thanks to our strong sustainability efforts and our many collaborative partnerships with our customers. We have been delivering value to our partners - and, ultimately, end consumers worldwide - for over 140 years. We are proud that more than one billion people consume products containing our natural ingredients every day.


No 14 2020 Chr Hansen acquires HSO


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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