Conditions for Riksbank Bid Procedures SEK Municipal Bonds

Udgivet den 20-05-2020  |  kl. 14:20  |  


Bid procedure on 26 May 2020, Municipalities and Regions

Bonds: Fixed-rate Bonds issued in SEK by Municipalities or Regions with maturity in 2022.

The following issuers are accepted for delivery:

Borås Kommun

Göteborgs Kommun 
Helsingborgs Kommun
Jönköpings Kommun
Malmö Kommun
Nacka Kommun
Stockholms Kommun
Stockholms Läns Landsting
Södertälje Kommun
Uppsala Kommun
Vellinge Kommun

Delivery may not be made in Bonds purchased by the Counterparty from the issuer less than one week prior to the date for announcing the Specific terms, i.e. the purchase may not have been made after 13 May 2020.
Bids: Bids are made to tel 08-696 69 70 and confirmed in writing by a filled-in Bid form by e-mail to
Bid date: Tuesday 26 May 2020
Bid time: 1000-1100 hours (CEST) on the Bid date
Requested volume: (corresponding nominal amount) SEK 750 +/- 750 million
Highest permitted bid volume:

(corresponding nominal amount)
The total bid volume from one Counterparty for the two Credit rating classes may not exceed SEK 1 000 million.

No bid may contain Bonds exceeding SEK 750 million issued by the Stockholms kommun, Stockholms Läns Landsting or Göteborgs stad.

For other issuers, bids may not contain Bonds exceeding SEK 100 million issued by the same issuer.
Lowest permitted bid volume:

(corresponding nominal amount)
The total bid volume from one Counterparty should not be less than SEK 50 million and not be less than SEK 5 million per Bond (ISIN code).
Credit rating classes: The requested volume is divided into two credit rating classes. Credit rating refers to the issuer's credit rating. If there are credit ratings from several credit rating agencies the highest of these will be applied.


Class 1: A long-term credit rating of AAA with S&P, Aaa with Moody's or AAA with Fitch.


Class 2: A long-term credit rating of AA+ with S&P, Aa1 with Moody's or AA+ with Fitch.


Maturity: Bonds maturing between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022. The year is divided into four quarters and bids are placed for each quarter and Credit Class.


Example: For Credit Class 1 with maturity quarter 2, a bid of SEK 90 million is placed at interest x %.
Expected allocation time: 1130 (CEST) on the Bid date
Delivery and payment date: Thursday, 28  May 2020
Delivery of Bonds: Bonds issued in the PM section:
To the Riksbank's account in Euroclear Sweden AB's securities settlement system: 1 4948 6383.

Bonds issued in the AM section:
To the Riksbank's account at the Global Custodian State Street:

Global Custodian BIC Code: SBOSUS3CXXX
Local Settlement Agent BIC Code: ESSESESSXXX
Global Custodian's Account Name at SEB: STATE STREET BANK & TRUST
Global Custodian's Account Number at SEB: 01-100 386 491
Riksbank's Account Name at the Global Custodian: SVERIGES RIKSBANK Riksbank's Account Number at the Global Custodian: 0145

Counterparties must use BIC: ESSESESSXXX in field 95P::DEAG/REAG and State Street BIC: SBOSUS3CXXX in field 95P::SELL/BUYR in the settlement instruction.

Bonds issued for the euro market (ISIN code with XS):
To the Riksbank's account at Euroclear Bank: 91181.
General terms and conditions General terms and conditions for the Riksbank´s purchases of bonds via bid procedures 2020:2, dated 24 April 2020 (see the Riksbank´s web).

Stockholm, 20 May 2020

For more information, please contact:

Trading desk at the Riksbank

+ 46 8 696 6970

General and special terms and conditions can be retrieved at


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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