EVS Broadcast Equipment reports update of share buyback program

Udgivet den 08-06-2020  |  kl. 15:45  |  

Publication on June 8, 2020, after market closing
Regulated information - reporting share buyback
EVS Broadcast Equipment S.A.: Euronext Brussels (EVS.BR), Bloomberg (EVS BB), Reuters (EVSB.BR)

EVS reports update of share buyback program

EVS Broadcast Equipment reports that the following transactions, conducted within the framework of the share buyback program announced on May 6, 2020, took place between June 1, 2020 and June 5, 2020.

Date Number of shares acquired Average price (EUR) Total (EUR)
01/06/2020 2,500   14.7983   36,996
02/06/2020 2,313   15.1604   35,066
03/06/2020 2,500   16.3552   40,888
04/06/2020 2,500   16.8766   42,192
05/06/2020 2,500   16.9837   42,459
Total 12,313 16.0481   197,601

As of June 5, 2020, and since the start of the buyback program, EVS has bought 39,580 shares at an average price of EUR 14,6456, representing in total EUR 579,673.

After aforementioned transactions the total number of own shares amounts now to 630,632 shares as of June 5, 2020 (including 607,332 shares already held by the company before the start of the share buyback program and taking into account the 16,280 shares distributed as part of the employees profit sharing plan as approved by the May 2020 OGM) .

This information is also available here https://evs.com/en/corporate/investor-relations/stock-info/share-buyback.

About EVS

We create return on emotion.
EVS is globally recognized as a leader in live video technology for broadcast and new media productions. Our passion and purpose are to help our clients craft immersive stories that trigger the best return on emotion. Through a wide range of products and solutions, we deliver the most gripping live sports images, buzzing entertainment shows and breaking news content to billions of viewers every day - and in real-time. The company is headquartered in Belgium with offices in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and North America, and provides sales and technical support to more than 100 countries.
EVS is a public company traded on Euronext Brussels: EVS, ISIN: BE0003820371.
For more information, please visit www.evs.com.


EVS Broadcast Equipment S.A., Liege Science Park, 13 rue du Bois Saint-Jean, B-4102 Seraing, Belgium
Tel : +32 4 361 70 00.  E-mail : corpcom@evs.com; www.evs.com



Press release in PDF Format


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