Swift Navigation Introduces a PCIe Product to Bring High-Precision GNSS to Industrial, Last-Mile and IoT Platforms

Udgivet den 15-12-2020  |  kl. 17:05  |  

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Swift Navigation, a San Francisco-based tech firm redefining GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) and precise positioning technology, today announced the availability of its Precision GNSS Module (PGM). PGM is designed to offer fast evaluation and a quick path to production for those requiring a precise positioning solution.

PGM is available in a simple-to-use, industry-standard mPCIe (mini peripheral component interconnect express) format and is designed specifically for Swift's Starling® positioning engine running on a host application processor to deliver real-time precision navigation. The PGM utilizes STMicroelectronics' TeseoV chipset in Quectel's multi-constellation, dual-band LG69T-AP receiver, to create an affordable, easy-to-use solution ideal for customers building industrial, last mile and Internet of Things (IoT) platforms.

The LG69T family of products, based on the ST TeseoV, is an ideal solution for demanding precision applications that require centimeter accuracies. The LG69T-AP--supporting L1/L5 bands--has an integrated ST IMU and Processor that is used to support dead reckoning for signal-compromised areas such as urban canyons, parking lots and underground structures. This proven solution is designed for fast and easy integration and deployment--using industry-standard protocols--to reduce customer engineering investment and enable quick time to market.

This solution operates with the highest accuracy when used with Swift's Skylark™ cloud-based, wide-area precise positioning service. Skylark delivers accuracy down to 10 cm. The solution supports standard RTCM OSR (Observation Space Representation) and SSR (State Space Representation) correction formats. Skylark is currently available for integration into wide-area, high-precision positioning applications across the continental United States and Europe and is available in the countries of Japan, South Korea and Australia, with plans underway to expand globally. Skylark is an ever-expanding service and is scalable to service millions of users.

"We are excited to be offering the PGM utilizing the Quectel LG69T-AP receiver," shared Dave Huntingford, Staff Product Manager at Swift Navigation. "The ability to provide a cost-effective, easily integrated solution, complete with corrections, opens up a host of opportunities for IoT, last-mile and industrial customers to benefit from precise positioning."

"Quectel is delighted to be working with Swift Navigation to provide the market with an easy to use precision GNSS solution," said Mark Murray, Vice President of Sales for GNSS and Automotive at Quectel Wireless Solutions. "The LG69T-AP, together with Swift's Starling positioning engine and Skylark corrections, is perfect for supporting applications and markets where <10 cm accuracy is required."

This product is available today with full production by Q1 2021, and with an evaluation kit available for U.S. $850. To learn more about how to easily integrate the PGM into your application, contact Swift Navigation or Quectel.


Swift Navigation provides precise positioning solutions for automotive, autonomous vehicle, mobile and mass-market applications. What began as the GNSS industry's first low-cost, high-accuracy, real-time kinematic (RTK) receiver has evolved into a Swift Navigation ecosystem of positioning solutions for autonomous applications. From the continental GNSS corrections delivered from the cloud by the Skylark™ precise positioning service, the hardware-independent, integrated software solution that is the Starling® positioning engine to the centimeter-level accurate Piksi® Multi and ruggedized Duro® and Duro Inertial RTK receivers, Swift Navigation is enabling a future of autonomous vehicles to navigate and understand the world. Learn more online at swiftnav.com, follow Swift on Twitter @Swiftnav

Press Contact:
Swift Navigation

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/6b1bbc99-3ca9-49f2-a03d-384db7d72d0d.


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