XBT Provider AB (Publ) Announces Settlement Amounts for Expiring Litecoin & XRP Certificates

Udgivet den 31-03-2021  |  kl. 16:03  |  

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, 31 March 2021 -- XBT Provider AB (Publ) ("XBT Provider") part of the CoinShares Group, wishes to announce the Settlement Amounts for Litecoin Tracker One, Litecoin Tracker Euro, XRP Tracker One, XRP Tracker Euro, as calculated by the Issuer's Calculation Agent on the Final Fixing Date (i.e. Wednesday, 31 March 2021) at 16:25 BST, in the normal, transparent way.

The Settlement Amount for each Certificate is displayed below. More details on the calculation methodology can be found below:

An average between the prices of the relevant underlying cryptocurrency (i.e. LTC/USD for Litecoin Trackers and XRP/USD for XRP Trackers) on the primary eligible exchanges(1) at 16:25 BST is calculated The average price is then multiplied by the relevant FX rate The fee is subtracted from the converted average price The final outcome is multiplied by the relevant divisor, as displayed on each product's factsheet(2)

ISIN Product Settlement Amount
(per Certificate)
SE0011414465 Litecoin Tracker One SEK 82.59
SE0011414457 Litecoin Tracker Euro EUR 80.64
SE0011414481 XRP Tracker One SEK 23.32
SE0011414473 XRP Tracker Euro EUR 22.77

(1) Primary eligible exchanges for Litecoin Tracker One and Litecoin Tracker Euro: Bitfinex, Bitstamp, Gemini. Primary eligible exchanges for XRP Tracker One and XRP Tracker Euro: Bitfinex, Bitstamp, Kraken.

(2) 0.05 for Litecoin Tracker One, 0.5 for Litecoin Tracker Euro, 5 for XRP Tracker One, 50 for XRP Tracker Euro

How will I receive my funds? Can I receive digital currency?

Funds will be settled via Euroclear Sweden, which will distribute the funds onto Certificate Holders via their brokers.  The Issuer will only distribute cash in Euro or Swedish Kroner.  No digital currency or tokens will be distributed upon expiration. The Holders of the Certificates will receive the funds in the currency the product they hold is denominated in:

Holders of Litecoin Tracker One and XRP Tracker One will receive SEK. Holders of Litecoin Tracker Euro and XRP Tracker Euro will receive EUR.

When will I receive my funds?

Payments will only be made to Certificate Holders who are named in the register when the product closes on the Final Fixing Date (Wednesday, 31 March 2021).  The Issuer expects to make payments to all Registered Holders (i.e. the. large nominees and custodian accounts that hold on behalf of individual holders) on or around Friday, 9 April 2021.

If you hold the Certificates through a broker or other nominee, it may take longer for the payment to find its way to your account.  Please contact your bank or broker for information on how they will pass on the payments to you and how long they expect it to take. It is also possible that your broker or bank may charge fees. We would recommend speaking with them in advance regarding expected timelines and potential fees.


About XBT Provider

XBT Provider AB (Publ) (XBT Provider), a CoinShares company, is the Swedish-domiciled issuer of the Bitcoin Tracker One (SE0007126024), Bitcoin Tracker Euro (SE0007525332), Ether Tracker One (SE0010296574), Ether Tracker Euro (SE0010296582), Litecoin Tracker One (SE0011414465), Litecoin Tracker Euro (SE0011414457), XRP Tracker One (SE0011414481), XRP Tracker Euro (SE0011414473), series of certificates (collectively, the Certificates) which are designed to synthetically track the performance of the price of the relevant underlying crypto-asset, bitcoin, ether, litecoin or XRP (in Swedish Kronor or Euro, respectively), less a fee component.

In 2015, Bitcoin Tracker One became the first bitcoin-referenced security available on a regulated exchange when it listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. In 2017, Ether Tracker One became the first ether-referenced security available on a regulated exchange when it listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. In 2019, Litecoin Tracker One and XRP Tracker One became, respectively, the first litecoin-referenced and XRP-referenced securities available on a regulated exchange in the EU when they listed on the Nordic Growth Market. The Certificates are available and traded in the same manner as any other share or instrument listed on their respective exchanges.

XBT Provider's Prospectus is approved by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Sw. Finansinspektionen) and the Certificates are governed by Swedish law. XBT Provider is not a licensed financial advisor. The views presented in this release are the opinions of the Board of XBT Provider and no other party. Bitcoin, ether, litecoin and XRP are volatile assets and their prices (and the price of securities that are referenced to them) can move quickly, positively or negatively. Prospective investors in the Certificates should carefully consider the suitability of such an investment and whether they have sufficient financial resources in order to be able to bear the risks associated therewith and, in connection with such a determination, should carefully read XBT Provider's latest Prospectus (including, in particular, the risk warnings set out therein). The Certificates do not confer on the holders thereof any claim to or against the relevant underlying crypto-asset to which they are referenced. The value and any payment due under the Certificates will be affected by the exchange rate between the US Dollar and the Euro or, as the case may be, between the US Dollar and the Swedish Krona. Any returns upon the Certificates will not be the same as the returns which a direct investment of an equivalent sum in the relevant underlying crypto-asset could produce. The Certificates are non-equity linked, non-principal protected, unsecured and unsubordinated and do not bear interest.

For more information on XBT Provider, visit: https://coinshares.com/etps/xbt-provider

About the CoinShares Group

At CoinShares, our mission is to expand access to the digital asset ecosystem while serving as trusted partners for our clients. We believe that Bitcoin and blockchain networks are landmark innovations that will fundamentally reshape the global financial system, and that investors should be able to participate in this transformation. We achieve this mission by providing institutional-grade investments products and services for digital asset investors. The CoinShares Group is a pioneer in digital asset investing with billions in assets under management on behalf of a global investor base, with offices in Jersey, Stockholm, London, and New York.

For more information on CoinShares, visit: https://coinshares.com/

Media Contact

Jay Morakis

+1 646 859 5951


SOURCE CoinShares Group


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