Stronger capital structure supporting growth

Udgivet den 31-03-2021  |  kl. 20:51  |  

Announcement (Selskabsmeddelelse) no. 4-2021 

Copenhagen, March 31, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
The AI-based media intelligence company Hypefactors, providing users with a real-time overview of global and local media mentions and reputation for companies/organizations, brands, competitors, industries, and trends, is pleased to announce a combination of financial agreements that will strengthen the company's capital structure and balance sheet.

Vaekstfonden (the Danish state's investment fund) has approved Hypefactors for a so-called 'investor loan' of a total of DKK 4 million - on attractive conditions. This in combination with a similar invested amount in a private placement from a group of investors, including the recently appointed CFO Michael Østerlund Madsen, the company's second-largest shareholder Jan Werner and another early shareholder Augustenborg Holding ApS. The company will issue new shares corresponding to the investment made by the investors. The share price for the capital increase is set to five days closing price average minus a 10% discount.

On the same conditions, the company has agreed to issue new shares for Formue Nord (lender) corresponding to a convertible debt of DKK 1.5 million, cleaning up and strengthening the balance sheet further. These financial actions will have a positive effect on both the liquidity and equity of the company and is one more step forward in growing the business of the company.


About Hypefactors A/S

Hypefactors is an integrated AI-powered Earned Media tech platform to support better media intelligence and reputation management. Hypefactors combine data, analytics, technology, and tools to provide a unified and easy-to-use experience. With all the tools to automate and ease the work, and all the facts to document the results. In addition to media monitoring across the different media channels, the platform provides access to a number of facts, incl. automated documentation of the monetary value and quality assessment of each third-party media mention. The platform also contains other time-saving tools such as automatically-generated media reports and a mobile app giving access to real-time media mentions. The company is listed at Nasdaq Growth Market in Copenhagen, Denmark.

For more information, please contact: 

Casper Janns, CEO: Tlf.: +45 20167481, e-mail:

Pierre André Montjovet, Chairman of the Board: Tlf: +41 (0)78 922 33 0, e-mail:

Hypefactors A/S

Kronprinsessegade 8B
1306 Copenhagen K


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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