C.K. McWhorter & The McWhorter Foundation To Host Formula 1 Miami Gala, Combatting Child Trafficking

Udgivet den 17-03-2024  |  kl. 07:40  |  

PALM BEACH, Fla., March 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The McWhorter Foundation, recognized for its tireless dedication to upholding human rights, proudly announces an exclusive black-tie gala event coinciding with the Formula 1 Miami race. This distinguished occasion marks a significant milestone in the ongoing fight against child trafficking, a cause deeply entrenched in the foundation's ethos and supported by its community.

Against the vibrant backdrop of Formula 1 Miami, the gala pledges an evening of elegance and purpose, bringing together influential personalities, philanthropists, and racing enthusiasts in a collective endeavor to eradicate child exploitation. Guests can anticipate a memorable affair, complete with captivating entertainment, delectable cuisine, and an exclusive silent auction featuring coveted items and experiences.

This gala transcends mere sophistication; it signifies a resolute stance against child trafficking, stated C.K. McWhorter. Together, we possess the power to enact meaningful change and safeguard the most vulnerable members of our society.

Proceeds from the gala will be channeled towards vital initiatives in the fight against child trafficking. These funds will bolster the deployment of skilled investigators, procure state-of-the-art technology for law enforcement agencies, and provide essential resources for trafficking survivors. Additionally, the foundation will advocate for enhanced protective measures and legislative reforms to prevent future atrocities.

Through collective action and unwavering commitment, we can make a tangible impact in the lives of countless children, offering them hope, safety, and the opportunity to thrive.

About the McWhorter Foundation:

Committed to championing human rights and the well-being of children, the McWhorter Foundation has spearheaded numerous initiatives aimed at protecting vulnerable youth. With an unwavering dedication to advocacy and empowerment, the foundation continues to leave a lasting imprint in communities across the globe.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at:


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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