Completion of conversion of A shares to B shares in accordance with the articles of association and information on adjusted number of voting rights and share capital

Udgivet den 12-06-2024  |  kl. 09:09  |  

Company announcement
Release no. 32 - 2024
to Nasdaq Copenhagen        

12 June 2024

Completion of conversion of A shares to B shares in accordance with the articles of association and information on adjusted number of voting rights and share capital

ROCKWOOL A/S has today completed the conversion of 65,161 A shares to a corresponding number of B shares (each having a nominal value of DKK 10). The conversion is effected in accordance with article 6 of the articles of association and at the request of the holders of the A shares in question.

The company's articles of association have been updated with the resulting changes to the size of the company's A- and B share capital. The total share capital is unchanged. The articles of association can be found on the company's website.

In accordance with Section 32 of the Danish Capital Market Act, ROCKWOOL A/S is required to publish the total number of voting rights and the size of the share capital in the event of changes. Following the completion and registration of the conversion, ROCKWOOL A/S' total number of voting rights and share capital amount to (after the change):

Share capital Nominal value Voting rights
Class A share capital DKK 99,291,040 99,291,040
Class B share capital DKK 116,916,050 11,691,605
Total DKK 216,207,090 110,982,645

Further information:        

Kim Junge Andersen
Senior Vice President, CFO
+45 46 55 80 15




Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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