Transactions in connection with share buyback programme

Udgivet den 24-06-2024  |  kl. 15:08  |  

On 7 February 2024, Pandora announced a new share buyback programme, cf. Company announcement no. 843. The share buyback programme is executed in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse (market abuse regulation).
The purpose of the programme is to reduce Pandora's share capital and to meet obligations arising from company incentive programmes.

Under the programme Pandora will repurchase shares for an aggregate maximum amount of DKK 4.0 billion from 8 February 2024 until 31 January 2025 at the latest, both days inclusive.

The first tranche of DKK 1.3 billion was finished on 11 June 2024. The second tranche of up to DKK 1.3 billion commenced on 13 June 2024 and will finish no later than 27 September 2024. Pandora has appointed SEB as the sole lead manager for the second tranche.

The following transactions have been made under the programme:

  Number of
Average purchase price, DKK Transaction value,   
Accumulated under the programme 1,206,741   1,338,788,746
17 June 2024 6,332 1,039.94 6,584,870
18 June 2024 13,969 1,048.51 14,646,588
19 June 2024 4,953 1,048.48 5,193,129
20 June 2024 16,321 1,076.10 17,563,067
21 June 2024 15,923 1,066.20 16,977,093
Accumulated under the programme 1,264,239   1,399,753,493

With the transactions stated above, Pandora owns a total of 1,161,158 treasury shares, corresponding to 1.4% of the Company's share capital.

In accordance with Regulation (EU) No 596/2014, all transactions related to the share buyback programme are presented in detail in the spreadsheet attached to this Company Announcement.

Pandora is the world's largest jewellery brand. The company designs, manufactures and markets hand-finished jewellery made from high-quality materials at accessible price points. Pandora jewellery is sold in more than 100 countries through 6,700 points of sale, including more than 2,600 concept stores.

Headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, Pandora employs 33,000 people worldwide and crafts its jewellery at three facilities in Thailand. Pandora is committed to leadership in sustainability and is sourcing recycled silver and gold for all of its jewellery, just as the company has set out to halve greenhouse gas emissions across its value chain by 2030. Pandora is listed on the Nasdaq Copenhagen stock exchange and generated revenue of DKK 28.1 billion (EUR 3.8 billion) in 2023.


For more information, please contact:

INVESTOR RELATIONS                           

Bilal Aziz
VP, Investor Relations & Treasury
+45 3137 9486

 Johan Melchior
VP, Media Relations & Public Affairs
+45 4060 1415
Adam Fuglsang
Director, Investor Relations
+45 6167 7425


Pandora_Company_Announcement_No_875 Appendix_Company_Announcement_No_875 Appendix_Company_Announcement_No_875


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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