STAR Systems International Readers and Transponders Assist RD Vial in Their Toll System Digital Transformation

Udgivet den 12-09-2024  |  kl. 14:45  |  

SINGAPORE, Sept. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- STAR Systems International, a market leader in Smart City Products, is excited to support RD Vial in upgrading the equipment in their toll collection system.

RD Vial recently announced that their toll system digital transformation across the Dominican Republic is progressing smoothly and efficiently. They are committed to replacing outdated equipment in their toll system with new state-of-the-art readers and transponders/tags from STAR Systems. Thanks to local partners in the Dominican Republic, STAR Systems is able to assist RD Vial in this pivotal infrastructure project.

"Using the Paso Rápido transponder and dedicated lanes, traffic flow on major highways is greatly enhanced. This reduces travel time and improves traveler experience across the Dominican Republic," said Keither de la Cruz, Technology Advisor and Innovation Project Manager at RD Vial.

RD Vial chose to use STAR Systems' Tarvos Pro for this application. Tarvos Pro, a new generation, high-speed, multi-protocol integrated reader with enhanced sensitivity and processing power is being deployed in many toll stations across the country. With its integrated narrow beam antenna, Tarvos Pro gives great lane coverage and minimizes unwanted cross-lane reads. Tarvos Pro also supports an additional second high-performance antenna, allowing for extra flexibility in read-zone coverage.

In addition, RD Vial is deploying high performance tags manufactured by STAR Systems. The STAR Systems' tags being deployed are OmniAir certified for interoperability in tolling systems, providing assurance of highly automated read rates.

"Tarvos Pro is a best-in-class next-generation reader for vehicle ID and tolling systems, and we are dedicated to supporting RD Vial as they deploy their new digitally transformed system," said Alicia Re, LATAM Sales Manager at STAR Systems.

About STAR Systems International 

Founded in 2013, STAR Systems International (SSI) is a world leader in Automatic Vehicle Identification Technologies. SSI focuses on providing best-in-class transponders, readers and professional consulting services for Smart City Initiatives, including Electronic Tolling (ETC), Congestion/Road Use Charging, Electronic Vehicle Registration (EVR), Express/HOT Lane, Fleet Management, Parking and Secure Access Control applications.

SSI strives to ensure customer success by leveraging the Company's technical expertise and implementation experience. SSI is guided by three principles: Outstanding People, Innovative Products and Service Excellence. These principles reflect the Company's long-term expansive strategy to advance Smart City Technologies.

For more information, please visit

Media Contact

Zhihan Chen
+(1) 469-838-2649

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


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