EMGA secures US$210M from EIB for Brazil's BTG Pactual

Udgivet den 25-11-2024  |  kl. 14:49  |  

LONDON, Nov. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Emerging Markets Global Advisory Limited (EMGA) announces today they have secured US210M debt finance for their long-standing Brazil based client; BTG Pactual.

The US$210 million debt facility was provided by EIB and the follows on from previous facilities arranged by EMGA.

Sajeev Chakkalakal, Managing Director and Head of Investment Banking at EMGA, said: Yet again we are delighted to have arranged this landmark transaction aimed at funding BTG's Green Lending portfolio and the resultant strong net positive benefits for climate sustainability. EIB remains a key investor relationship for EMGA, and we are proud to have helped them increase their presence in Brazil as part of their broader EIB Global strategy.

Jeremy Dobson, Managing Director, and Head of Operations at EMGA, added: "It was a pleasure to work with BTG again on an additional financing with a new Development Financial Institution (DFI). We look forward to continuing our strong track record of arranging financing in Brazil and the rest of Latin America."

BTG Pactual: BTG is the largest investment bank in Latin America, the 6th largest bank in Brazil by shareholders equity and a key player in providing loans and guarantees to a broad set of clients, from SMEs to large corporations. BTG is a pioneer in promoting climate finance in Brazil and plays a pivotal role in channeling resources towards projects with a positive impact in the community. 

EIB: EIB is The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the European Union's investment bank and is the largest multilateral financial institution in the world. The EIB finances and invests both through equity and debt solutions and focuses on the areas of climate, environment, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), development, cohesion and infrastructure. 

Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA), with offices in London and New York, helps financial institutions and corporates seeking new debt or equity capital. EMGA's multi-national team combine the decades of experience necessary to complete transactions on behalf of their clients within the world's emerging markets and frontier economies, including Brazil which remains a key market. With a proven track record in capital formation and strategic advisory throughout diverse economic cycles, EMGA continues to deliver geographic reach and service offering, solidifying its place in the market as one of the industries pre-eminent emerging markets focused niche investment banks.

Contact info@emergingmarketsglobaladvisory.com


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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