iHit Tech Revolutionizes Vaping with Breakthrough Ceramic-Coil Technology at 2025 TPE Expo

Udgivet den 05-02-2025  |  kl. 16:04  |  

LAS VEGAS, Feb. 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- At the 2025 TPE Expo, iHit Tech, a pioneering vaporization solutions provider under the SMISS Group, unveiled its latest innovations, setting a new benchmark in the vaping technology industry. The spotlight was on the groundbreaking Ceramic-Coil Technology, which has redefined flavor performance and user experience.

iHit Solo: A Game-Changer in Flavor Delivery

iHit Tech introduced its upgraded iHit Solo technology, featuring a lateral ceramic-coil design that has been widely acclaimed for surpassing the flavor quality of traditional mesh-coil products. This innovation is currently exclusive to select brands for internal testing and will be integrated into new hero products slated for release in 2025.

"The iHit Solo technology marks a monumental leap in flavor delivery," said a spokesperson for iHit Tech. "We are excited to collaborate with visionary brands to bring unparalleled vaping experiences to users worldwide."

The iHit Solo solution, compatible with 2ML pods on popular devices, has demonstrated significantly superior flavor performance compared to conventional pods.

iHit Dual: Redefining Ceramic-Coil Atomization with Breakthrough Upgrades

Building on its 2024 development, the iHit Dual technology has undergone significant upgrades, achieving breakthrough advancements in key areas such as optimized airflow designreduced condensation, and enhanced leak-proof measures. These innovations address the long-standing technical challenges of ceramic-coil atomization for over 15 ML products with visible e-liquid tanks, delivering unparalleled performance across multiple dimensions:

Pure and Clear Atomization: Ensures a clean and consistent vapor output.Large Vapor Production: Generates impressive vapor volume for a satisfying experience.Dense and Smooth Mouthfeel: Provides a luxurious and smooth inhale.Rich and Aromatic Flavors: Enhances flavor richness and depth, setting a new standard for taste.

Future Innovations: A Comprehensive Product Lineup
In 2025, iHit Tech plans to launch a full spectrum of upgraded atomization technology solutions, including:

iHit Solo: Single ceramic-coil solutions for unmatched flavor clarity.iHit Dual: Dual ceramic-coil solutions for enhanced vapor production and flavor intensity.iHit Pro: A hybrid solution combining a single ceramic coil with dual mesh-film technology for the ultimate vaping experience.

These products will feature cutting-edge advancements in technology depth and expanded application scope, catering to the evolving needs of the vaping community.

About iHit Tech SMISS Group

iHit, launched by SMISS, is a health tech-focused vaporization solutions provider dedicated to revolutionizing the vaping experience through cutting-edge innovations.

Business Contact
E: support@ihitglobal.com
W: https://www.ihitglobal.com/

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/4f0757c4-f12a-4e7d-ae91-4e4f1b250bb6


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