Annual general meeting of Realkredit Danmark A/S

Udgivet den 10-03-2025  |  kl. 14:12  |  

Company Announcement number 22/2025 - 10 March 2025

Annual general meeting of Realkredit Danmark A/S

This company announcement relates to the annual general meeting of Realkredit Denmark A/S that was held on 10th March 2025 at 9 am at Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V and contains the agenda and summary hereof.

Helle Meiniche, Head of Business Risk and Governance was appointed as chairperson.


Submission of the Annual Report 2024 for adoptionProposal for indemnification of the Board of Directors and the Executive BoardProposal for allocation of profits or cover of losses according to the adopted Annual Report 2024Submission of the Remuneration Policy 2025 and Remuneration Report 2024Election of members to the Board of DirectorsAppointment of external auditorAppointment of external sustainability auditorAny other proposals or issues brought forward by the Board of Directors or shareholders


Re item 1. Submission of the Annual Report 2024 for adoption:

The chairman of the board presented a report on the company's activities for the financial year 2024 and reviewed the annual report. The chairperson confirmed that the annual report, along with the audit opinion for the period 1 January to 31 December 2024, was approved

Re item 2. Proposal for indemnification of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board:

The chairperson confirmed that the general meeting granted discharge to the board of directors and executive management.

Re item 3. Proposal for allocation of profits or cover of losses according to the adopted Annual Report 2023:

The general meeting approved the proposal from the Board of Directors to pay dividend to the shareholders in the amount of DKK 4,424 million.

Re item 4. Submission of the Remuneration Policy 2025 and Remuneration Report for 2024:

Proposals for Remuneration Policy 2025 and Remuneration Report 2024 was presented.

The proposal was unanimously adopted, subject to the final approval of the Remuneration Policy 2025 at the general meeting on 20 March 2025 in Danske Bank A/S

Re item 5. Election of members to the Board of Directors:

The general meeting re-elected the following board members:

Christian Bornfeld, Head of Personal Customers & FC Risk & PreventionLinda Fagerlund, Head of Commercial Real EstateJesper Koefoed, Managing DirectorJakob Bøss, Head of Group Positioning & Sustainability

In addition, the Board of Directors comprises board members elected by the employees:

Majken Hammer Sløk, Chief Consultant, cand.polyt.Christian Hilligsøe Heinig, Chief EconomistGøsta Harboe Rasmussen, Vurderingsspecialist

Re item 6. Appointment of external auditor:

Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was re-appointed as the company's auditors.

Re item 7. Appointment of external sustainability auditor:

Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was appointed as the company's auditors.

Re item 8. Consideration of any proposals from the Board of Directors or the shareholder.

Realkredit Danmark A/S' Board of Directors had proposed a yearly increase in payment to Jesper Kofoed of additional DKK 50.000 and a yearly increase in payment to board members from Realkredit Danmark A/S of DKK 50.000 which was unanimously approved.

The chairperson then declared the general meeting closed.


Subsequent board meeting of Realkredit Danmark A/S:

At the meeting of the Board of Directors of Realkredit Danmark A/S held immediately after the annual general meeting, Christian Bornfeld, Head of Personal Customers & FC Risk & Prevention, was appointed chairman. The audit committee consists of Jesper Koefoed, Managing Director (chair) and Jakob Bøss, Head of Group Positioning & Sustainability.


The Executive Board

For further information, please contact Helle Meineche, Head of Business Risk & Governance, on tel. +45 21 55 87 42.


Nr. 22_annual_meeting_uk


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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