Correction of previously sent announcement regarding: Nykredit Bank A/S – stock exchange announcement.
0% NB Amerikanske Aktier 2015 (ISIN DK0030299219)
Nykredit Bank A/S (Nykredit Bank) issued the notes 0% NB Amerikanske Aktier 2015 (ISIN DK0030299219) on 18 June 2012. The final coupon of the bonds de-pends on the price development of a basket of ten US equities, also referred to as the Underlying Equity Basket.
Nykredit Bank acts as calculation agent in respect of the bonds.
The inception values of the equities forming part of the Underlying Equity Basket were fixed based on closing prices as at 12 June 2012 and published by way of a stock exchange announcement dated 13 June 2012 in accordance with the pub-lished prospectus dated 9 May 2012 (the Prospectus).
Terms and concepts defined in the Prospectus have the same meaning in this stock exchange announce¬ment.
One of the companies, the shares of which form part of the Underlying Equity Basket, Kraft Foods Group Inc. (KRFT UN), has with effect from 6 July 2015 been merged with Kraft Heinz Foods Co. (KHC UN). In this connection, one KRFT UN was exchanged to one KHC UN and an extraordinary dividend distribution of USD 16.5 was made. To adjust for this, the calculation of the end price of Mondelez International Inc (MDLZ UN) will be changed to one MDLZ UN + 0.408717*KHC UQ (formerly one MDLZ UN + 0.333333*KRFT UN).
Please address any enquiries concerning this stock exchange announcement to Kristian Weeke or Martin Plougstrup, tel +45 44 55 18 00.
Nykredit Bank A/S
Vedhæftede filer:
Selskabsmeddelse_NB Amerikanske Aktier 2015_KRFT_UN_uk_endelig.pdf
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