Interim report 2015/16 (1 May - 31 October 2015)

Udgivet den 14-12-2015  |  kl. 11:48  |  

Interim report first half-year 2015/16

The Board of Directors has today presented and approved the interim report for the first half-year of the financial year 2015/16. The interim report has not been audited or reviewed by the company auditors.

The interim report contains the following main points:

The result of the second quarter (1 August 2015 – 31 October 2015):

  • The period’s result before taxation and minority shareholders amounts to 8.5 DKK million against 14.0 DKK million last year.
  • Result before financial items and taxation amounts to 13.6 DKK million, corresponding to an EBIT-margin of 6%.
  • The group turnover amounts to 235 DKK million against 209 DKK million last year, representing an increase of 13%.
  • New investments of the quarter amount to 15 DKK million.
  • Cash flows from operation amount to 20 DKK million.

The result of the first half-year (1 May 2015 – 31 October 2015):

  • The period’s result before taxation and minority shareholders amounts to 48.8 DKK million against 35.8 DKK million last year, which is an increase of 36%. Corrected for the one-off income regarding the sale of our property in Vejle, it is a decline of 20%. The decline was expected in the light of our investment and development plans, thus the result for the first 6 months lives up to our expectations.
  • Result before financial items and taxation amounts to 56.6 DKK million, corresponding to an EBIT-margin of 12%. Corrected for profit of 19.8 DKK million from the sale of our property in Vejle, the EBIT-margin makes up 8%.
  • The group turnover amounts to 469 DKK million.
  • The net investments in long-term assets make up 26 DKK million.
  • Cash flows from operation (incl. the sale of our property in Vejle) amount to 54 DKK million.

Prospects 2015/16

Based on the development we have observed during the first 6 months of the financial year, we maintain our expectations to 2015/16 as announced in our annual report of 25 June 2015.


Mr. John Vestergaard, CFO                              Mr. Svend Aage Færch Nielsen, CEO
Tel. +45 97118811                                         Tel. +45 97118811

egetæpper a/s

Herning, 14 December 2015

Vedhæftede filer:

Delaarsrapport 2015_2016_UK_sec.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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