Layout Bidco A/S to make a recommended conditional voluntary offer to buy all the shares in BoConcept Holding A/S

Udgivet den 02-06-2016  |  kl. 08:44  |  

BoConcept Holding A/S ("BoConcept" or "the Company") today has been informed by Layout Bidco A/S that Layout Bidco A/S will submit a conditional voluntary public offer to the shareholders of BoConcept to purchase all B-shares in BoConcept Holding A/S for DKK 500 in cash per B-share and all non-listed A-shares in the Company for DKK 615 in cash per A-share. Layout Bidco A/S is affiliated to 3i Group plc and certain 3i managed investment entities. The announcement of Layout Bidco A/S' decision to make the offer is attached and is hereby published in accordance with Section 4(1) in the Executive Order on Takeover Bids (bekendtgørelse nr. 562 af 2. juni 2014 om overtagelsestilbud).

Layout Bidco A/S will publish an offer document as soon as it has been approved by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and no later than 4 weeks from the date of this announcement.

Layout Bidco A/S´s announcement follows a structured process initiated early in the second half of 2015 after the controlling shareholder in the Company (Viggo Mølholm) informed the board of directors about his intention to divest his controlling stake in the Company. As a result of this, the Board of Directors engaged a financial adviser, who has worked to identify potential buyers interested in submitting a bid for all of the shares in the Company. Subsequently, the board of directors has held discussions with several potential buyers. These discussions have led to Layout Bidco A/S deciding to submit a voluntary conditional public offer.

The shareholders Viggo Mølholm and his family, the holding company BoConcept Invest A/S owned by Viggo Mølholm and his family, SmallCap Danmark A/S, Kirk & Thorsen Invest A/S, a number of other shareholders as well as members of the Company's management and Board of Directors, have signed irrevocable undertakings to accept the offer in relation to all of their shares in the Company. At the time of the publication of this announcement, Layout Bidco A/S has received irrevocable undertakings equal to 67.5% of the Company's share capital and 81.5% of the voting rights in the Company (excluding treasury shares).

The board of directors of BoConcept expects to recommend that the shareholders of BoConcept accept the offer.

         Queries regarding this announcement are referred to:
         Chairman of the Board of Directors Peter Thorsen, or phone: +45 40 70 06 76.

Vedhæftede filer:

FB 020616_4_gb.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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