Zealand increases its share capital as a consequence of exercise of employee warrants

Udgivet den 16-06-2016  |  kl. 12:52  |  

Copenhagen, 16 June 2016 - Zealand has increased its share capital with nominal DKK 41,269 divided into 41,269 new shares with a nominal value of DKK 1 each. The increase is a consequence of the exercise of warrants granted under three of Zealand's employee warrant programs. Employee warrant programs are part of Zealand's incentive scheme, and each warrant gives the owner the right to subscribe for one new Zealand share at a pre-specified price, the exercise price, in specific pre-defined time periods before expiration. For further description of Zealand's warrant programs, see the company's Articles of Association, which are available on the homepage: www.zealandpharma.com.

The exercise price is DKK 77.00 per share for 5,250 of the new shares, DKK 50.27 per share for 31,019 of the new shares and DKK 87.45 per share for 5,000 of the new shares. The total proceeds to Zealand from the capital increase amounts to DKK 2,400,825.13.

The new shares give rights to dividend and other rights from the time of the warrant holder's exercise notice. Each new share carries one vote at Zealand's general meetings. Zealand only has one class of shares.

The new shares will be listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen after registration of the capital increase with the Danish Business Authority. Following registration of the new shares, the share capital of Zealand will be nominal DKK 24,534,175 divided into 24,534,175 shares with a nominal value of DKK 1 each.

The amendment of Zealand's Articles of Association entailed by the share capital increase has today been registered with the Danish Business Authority.

Vedhæftede filer:

25-16_0616 Company Announcement - Warrant exercise and capital increase_ENG_FINAL.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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