Share repurchase programme

Udgivet den 15-07-2016  |  kl. 08:28  |  

The share buy-back programme runs from 11 May 2016 to 18 August 2016. In this period RTX will acquire shares with a value of up to DKK 10.0 million. The share buy-back programme is initiated and structured in compliance with the EU Commission Regulation No. 2273/2003 of 22 December 2003 (the so-called Safe Harbour Regulative for share buy-back programmes), and from 03 July 2016 in accordance with the EU Commission Regulation No. 596/2014 of 16 April 2014 on market abuse (Market Abuse Regulation), which ensures that RTX is protected against violation of insider legislation in relation to the share buy-back programme.


Due to the new regulation as of 03 July 2016, the share buy-back programme, cf. company announcement no. 31/2016, can no longer deviate from the limit of purchase of no more than 25% of the average daily volume of the company shares traded on Nasdaq Copenhagen during the previous 20 trading days, due to low liquidity in the company shares.


Since the announcement as of 11 May 2016, the following transactions have been made under the program:


  Number of shares Average purchase Price Transaction value in DKK
Accumulated, last announcement 62,800 99.50 6,248,370
08 July 2016 1,400 116.50 163,100
11 July 2016 1,400 118.44 165,820
12 July 2016 1,400 122.84 171,978
13 July 2016 1,400 122.00 170,800
14 July 2016 1,400 123.50 172,900
Accumulated under the programme 69,800 101.62 7,092,968


With the transactions stated above, RTX A/S owns a total of 507,597 of treasury shares, corresponding to 5.42% of the share capital. The total amount of shares in the company is 9,373,338 including treasury shares.

In accordance with the EU Commission Regulation No. 596/2014, transactions related to the share buy-back programme are presented in detailed form in the spread sheet attached to this company announcement.


For further questions or information contact:

CEO Jacob Vittrup, tlf. +45 9632 2300

Vedhæftede filer:

FB2016 50_UK Share repurchase programme.pdf

RTX trading data_15 07 2016.xlsx

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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