Danske Bank issues two structured notes -

Udgivet den 24-01-2017  |  kl. 09:46  |  


Company announcement
Group Communications
Holmens Kanal 2-12
DK-1092 København K
Tel. +45 45 14 56 95
24 January 2017


Danske Bank issues two structured notes linked to UniCredit SpA and Euro Stoxx Banks respectively.


On 25 January 2017, Danske Bank will issue EUR 4,150,000 in equity-linked notes linked to the performance of the share price of UniCredit SpA. The notes are designated "DB UniCredit Autocallable 2018" (ISIN XS1555072849).

The notes are issued at a price of 100. The notes pay interest at 3.95% per quarter, subject to the performance of the underlying share.

In addition, on 25 January 2017, Danske Bank will issue EUR 5,740,000 in index-linked notes linked to the performance of the index value of Euro Stoxx Banks. The notes are designated "DB European Banks Autocallable 2018" (ISIN XS1555073227).

The notes are issued at a price of 100. The notes pay interest at 2.50% per quarter, subject to the performance of the underlying equity index.

The notes are issued under Danske Bank's EUR 5,000,000,000 Structured Note Programme dated 22 June 2016.

The notes will be issued on 25 January 2017 and will mature on 7 February 2017. The notes will be registered with Euroclear Brussels. Danske Bank will file an application for the notes to be listed on NASDAQ Copenhagen from 25 January 2016.

For further information about the notes, please see the Final Terms, attached to this announcement, which together with the Base Prospectus specify the terms and conditions of the notes.


 Danske Bank A/S


Holger Lunden, Structured Products, tel. +45 45143265

This is a translation of a company announcement in the Danish language. In case of discrepancies, the Danish version prevails.




Vedhæftede filer:

Final Terms DB European Banks Autocallable 2018.pdf

Company announcement 24 January 2017.pdf

Final Terms UniCredit Autocallable 2018.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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