New Cibor-linked bonds for refinancing at 1 July 2017 and new lending

Udgivet den 26-04-2017  |  kl. 15:05  |  

Nykredit/Totalkredit open two new floating-rate bonds of the SDO type for refinancing of existing business loans at 1 July 2017. The bonds are based on 3-month Cibor rates plus an interest rate spread determined at auction prior to the refinancing.

After the expiry of the deadline for prepayment, Nykredit/Totalkredit will issue a company announcement regarding final refinancing amounts in connection with the auctions. 

Furthermore, Nykredit/Totalkredit will open a new floating-rate SDO bond for new lending. The bond will be based on 3-month Cibor rates plus an interest rate spread of 0.05%.

Based on the provisions of the Danish FSA Executive Order on bond issuance, balance principle and risk management, pre-issuance of the bond DK0009514127 is scheduled for 3 May 2017. The bonds will subsequently qualify as Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) Level 1b assets. The pre-issued amount will be reduced concurrently with the tap sale of the bonds.

Questions may be addressed to Group Treasury, Lars Mossing Madsen, tel +45 44 55 11 66, or Christian Mauritzen, tel +45 44 55 10 14.


Vedhæftede filer:

New Cibor-linked bonds for refinancing at 1 July 2017 and new lending - 26042017.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk