Changes to the Group employee representatives on the NKT Board of Directors and future Board of Directors of Nilfisk Holding A/S

Udgivet den 26-09-2017  |  kl. 11:16  |  

26 September 2017
Announcement No. 22

Changes to the Group employee representatives on the NKT Board of Directors and future Board of Directors of Nilfisk Holding A/S

Corrections to Demerger Statement and Notice convening the NKT Extraordinary General Meeting 2017, cf. Company Announcements No. 19 and 20, respectively.

Group employee representative on the NKT Board of Directors, Gitte Toft Nielsen, will resign from this position as of 29 September 2017. From this date, Michael Gamtofte will join the NKT Board of Directors as employee representative, and he will step down again upon completion of the currently ongoing demerger of NKT A/S, expected to be finally resolved at an Extraordinary General Meeting on 10 October 2017 (the Demerger).

This also implies that Gitte Toft Nielsen will not join the Board of Directors of Nilfisk Holding A/S as Group employee representative, upon the expected establishment of this company at completion of the Demerger, as otherwise described in the Demerger Statement and the Notice convening the NKT Extraordinary General Meeting 2017. Instead, Jean Marc Rios Dionne will join the Board of Directors of Nilfisk Holding A/S as employee representative together with Michael Gamtofte and Yvonne Markussen. 

Jean Marc Rios Dionne is a Canadian national, born in 1978 and employed with Nilfisk A/S as Global Strategic Account Manager. He holds a Master in International Marketing and Management from Copenhagen Business School, and has no board or management position in any other company. Jean Marc Rios Dionne is an alternate employee representative of the Board of Directors of NKT. This position will terminate upon completion of the Demerger.

Investor Relations:    Michael Nass Nielsen, Head of Investor Relations, tel: +45 2494 1654
Media Relations:       Helle Gudiksen, Head of Group Communications, tel: +45 2349 9098

Vedhæftede filer:

Changes to the Group employee representatives on the NKT Board of Directors and future Board of Directors of Nilfisk Holding A S_22.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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