Announcement no. 13/2017 - Coloplast A/S acquires SAS Lilial

Udgivet den 18-12-2017  |  kl. 14:27  |  

Coloplast A/S acquires SAS Lilial

Coloplast A/S announced today that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire SAS Lilial (Lilial) for a cash consideration of EUR 35.5m equal to approx. DKK 264m on a cash and debt-free basis. The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, and is expected to close before year-end 2017.

Lilial is a privately owned, French direct-to-consumer home delivery company with nationwide distribution of primarily catheter and ostomy supplies, founded in 2003. Lilial provides patients with products from a number of different manufacturers including Coloplast. The company is expected to record sales of approx. EUR 33m or approx. DKK 246m for the full-year 2017. The company has approx. 80 employees.

The acquisition is a continuation of Coloplast's overall ambition to bring innovative products and services to the market and secure access to innovative products for our end users. Furthermore, the acquisition strengthens Coloplast's position and offering in France and provides further access to payers. Coloplast expects to continue to work closely with healthcare professionals and channel partners with the intent of improving overall end user outcomes.

The transaction is expected to contribute to Coloplast's long-term growth ambition. The acquisition will, if completed, lead to a revised financial guidance for the financial year 2017/18:

  • The organic revenue growth guidance of ~7% is unchanged. The growth in DKK of 5-6% based on spot rates as of 31 October 2017 is expected to be ~1%-points higher.
  • The EBIT margin guidance of 31-32% in constant exchange rates and about 31% in DKK is unchanged.

The long-term guidance for the LEAD 20 strategy period until fiscal year-end 2019/20 of 7-9% organic growth p.a. and an EBIT margin of more than 30% in constant currencies is unchanged.

For more information on Lilial please refer to


Lars Rasmussen

President & CEO


For further information, please contact

Investors and analysts

Anders Lonning-Skovgaard

Executive Vice President, CFO

Tel. 4911 1111


Ellen Bjurgert

Director, Investor Relations

Tel. 4911 1800 / 4911 3376



Press and the media

Lina Danstrup

Senior Media Relations Manager

Tel. 4911 2607






Coloplast A/S

Holtedam 1

DK-3050 Humlebæk


CVR NR. 69749917  


This announcement is available in a Danish and an English-language version. In the event of any discrepancies, the Danish version shall prevail. 

The Coloplast logo is a registered trademark of Coloplast A/S. © 2017-12 All rights reserved. Coloplast A/S, 3050 Humlebæk, Denmark.

Coloplast develops products and services that make life easier for people with very personal and private medical conditions. Working closely with the people who use our products, we create solutions that are sensitive to their special needs. We call this intimate healthcare.

Our business includes Ostomy Care, Urology Care, Continence Care and Wound and Skin Care. We operate globally and employ about 11,000 people.


Please see enclosed PDF

Vedhæftede filer:

13_2017_Coloplast acquires SAS Lilial_UK.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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