Annual general meeting of Danske Bank 2018

Udgivet den 15-03-2018  |  kl. 17:27  |  


Company announcement
Announcement No. 18/2018
  Danske Bank
Holmens Kanal 2-12
DK-1092 København K
Tel. +45 33440000

15 March 2018





Annual general meeting of Danske Bank 2018


At the annual general meeting of Danske Bank on Thursday, 15 March 2018, the general meeting


·         approved Annual Report 2017 and the proposal for allocation of profits

·         re-elected Ole Andersen, Lars-Erik Brenøe, Jørn P. Jensen, Rolv Erik Ryssdal, Carol Sergeant and Hilde Tonne to the Board of Directors and elected Jens Due Olsen and Ingrid Bonde to the Board of Directors

·         re-appointed Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab as external auditors

·         adopted the Board of Directors' proposals to amend the Articles of Association for:

1.      reduction of Danske Bank's share capital according to article 4.1

2.      extension and reduction of the Board of Directors' authority according to articles 6.1-6.3 regarding capital increases with pre-emption rights

3.      extension and reduction of the Board of Directors' authority according to articles 6.5-6.7 regarding capital increases without pre-emption rights

4.      deletion of article 15.4 stipulating an age limit of 70 years for members of the Board of Directors

5.      increase of the maximum number of members of the Executive Board according to article 19.1

·         adopted the Board of Directors' proposal to renew and prolong the Board of Directors' existing authority to acquire own shares

·         adopted the proposal for the Board of Directors' remuneration in 2018

·         adopted the Board of Directors' proposal for adjustments to the existing Remuneration Policy


At the board meeting held immediately after the annual general meeting, Ole Andersen was elected chairman and Carol Sergeant vice chairman of the Board of Directors.


The composition of the Board's committees will be announced at under Corporate Governance as soon as possible.




Yours faithfully

Danske Bank

Board of Directors Secretariat


Nethe Rosa Hjørland





Kenni Leth, Group Press Officer, tel. +45 45 14 14 00/+45 51 71 43 68

Vedhæftede filer:

Company Announcement No. 18 2018.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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