Ponsse voted the best medium-sized enterprise in the stock exchange listing

Udgivet den 22-11-2018  |  kl. 09:02  |  

Private investors voted Ponsse the best medium-sized listed company. In the Private investor's choice competition, small-scale investors cast their vote for Finland's most reliable and attractive listed companies.

Their favourite companies in 2018 were Kone, Ponsse, Marimekko and Verkkokauppa.com. The competition was arranged by the Finnish Foundation for Share Promotion, Kreab and Messukeskus.

Ponsse was voted the winner on the list for medium-sized enterprises. In their assessments, small-scale investors especially appreciated Ponsse's competent management, strong ownership and a personnel-centred approach. The investors considered the company a developing, growing top player in its field, with outstanding innovation management.

The prizes were awarded at the Sijoitus Invest event in Helsinki today on 22 November. The purpose of the competition is to strengthen the appreciation of small-scale investors and showcase companies that deserve thanks for their service-mindedness and communication.

- Private investors are an important investor group who provide long-term support for companies and actively monitor their business. Transparency and accessibility were emphasised in the investors' choices, says Sari Lounasmeri, President and CEO of the Finnish Foundation for Share Promotion.

Multi-channel communication and transparency are important

Lauri Hyppölä, Director and senior communication consultant at Kreab, considered the competition an opportunity to speak about developing investor communication. According to the results, Finnish private investors appreciate strong brands and visionary managers:

- Whether investors can relate to the company's investment story and whether the senior management can communicate with them in a convincing manner are important in view of successful communication. Private investors praise multichannel communication and transparency. Even minor aspects, such as the atmosphere in the annual general meeting and the discussions held there, are highly important for private investors.  

Photos about the prize awarding occasion https://messukeskus.mediabank.fi/fi.

Further information:
Ponsse Plc, Petri Härkönen, CFO, tel. +358 40 352 8362


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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