New fNIR Technology Sheds Light on Brain Activity with Powerful Imagers for Real-world Situations

Udgivet den 02-01-2019  |  kl. 23:19  |  

Systems offer comfort and mobility to measure human subjects in the lab, at home, or in the real world

GOLETA, Calif., Jan. 02, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BIOPAC Systems, Inc., the global distributor for fNIR Devices, announced the availability of its newest generation of functional near infrared optical imaging (fNIR) systems. The new high-density imaging systems provide in-lab or real-world cognitive function assessments for physiology researchers looking to understand brain activity without all the expense of fMRI. 

The extra-lightweight sensor fits comfortably on the forehead where it monitors relative changes in oxy or deoxy hemoglobin as a proxy for the brain activity in the pre-frontal cortex. Subjects can be examined in laboratory settings or they can be active in their natural environment with the new mobile fNIR system.

The new NIRS systems offer three powerful imagers. The fNIR 2000C is a stationary unit that collects data from up to 18 optodes. The fNIR 2000M is a wireless and mobile imager that collects data from up to 18 optodes and can be used while subjects are performing tasks in the lab or in the real world. The fNIR 2000S is a 54-optode capable imager with advanced features for recording up to three subjects simultaneously.

A new through-the-hair sensor will allow researchers to assess other areas of the brain such as motor and visual cortices. Adding in different parts of the brain increases understanding of brain activity without the complications of fMRI.

All systems include fNIRSoft and COBI software for data collection and analysis. Data can be synchronized with and imported into AcqKnowledge Software for a complete understanding of physiological response, including EEG, EDA, ECG, BP, and other important physiology signals.

"Experimental design can be more sophisticated with this mobile technology. It gives researchers the opportunity to collect data from subjects as they live their lives." said Frazer Findlay, BIOPAC's CEO. "Mobile imaging can add value to any study but is especially important when subjects are children or families, as they can be in a familiar or comfortable environment, yielding better results."

 "When designing and manufacturing fNIR Devices, we decided not to weigh down the subject's head with a battery and extra electronics. As a result, our imagers, including our wireless imager, measure the brain's hemodynamic response with minimal weight and maximum comfort." said Davood Tashayyod, fNIR Devices CEO. "fNIR Devices systems are very easy to set up and very comfortable for the subject. A comfortable subject produces better quality data  and can participate in short- and long-term studies."

fNIR and NIR imaging are citied in over 132,000 publications. NIR applications include Brain Computer Interface, Human Performance Assessment, Neurorehabilitation, Depth of Anesthesia Monitoring, and more. fNIR technology can also be used to understand blood oxygenation of muscles.

Contact BIOPAC for more information about using fNIR technology for measuring mobile subjects in real-world situations, stationary subjects in a lab, or when teaching students in an educational environment.

About BIOPAC Systems

BIOPAC was founded in 1985 and is recognized around the world as a premier choice for life science hardware and software. Worldwide, over 99% of the top 100 universities and Global Fortune 500 companies rely on BIOPAC systems for their life science research and teaching system needs. BIOPAC makes high-quality scientific tools for physiology measurement and interpretation. BIOPAC solutions range from educational solutions to cutting-edge devices for use in lab, real world, and virtual reality research environments. For more information on BIOPAC products, visit

About fNIR Devices

Founded in 2009, fNIR Devices, LLC, is the premier supplier of Continuous Wave Functional Near Infrared (fNIR) Spectroscopy imaging systems for research and other non-clinical applications. fNIR Devices provide physiology researchers with robust and meticulously crafted systems for monitoring the brain's hemodynamics, thereby understanding the subject's cognitive state in both lab and natural environments.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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