G4S plc 2020 Half Year Results Announcement Date Change

Udgivet den 13-07-2020  |  kl. 06:00  |  

13 July 2020

G4S plc 2020 Half Year Results Announcement Date Change

Further to the trading update of 17 June 2020 for the first five months, the Group has continued to deliver a resilient trading performance during June. We now expect that the Group's Adjusted PBITA and underlying earnings for the first six months of 2020 will be significantly above market consensus and, as a consequence of this, we are planning to bring forward our H1 2020 results announcement to the week commencing 20 July 2020. 

As at 10 July 2020, the consensus analysts' forecast for H1 2020 underlying results was as follows:

Continuing businesses(1) Mean
Adjusted PBITA (£m) 159
EPS (p) 4.3

 (1) Excluding conventional cash businesses sold on 26 February 2020.

A further announcement will be made in due course specifying the date of the Half Year results announcement.


For further enquiries please contact    
Helen Parris

Director of Investor Relations +44 (0) 207 9633189
Media enquiries    
Sophie McMillan Head of Media +44 (0) 759 5523483
Press office   +44 (0) 207 9633333

Notes to Editors:
G4S is the leading global security company, specialising in the provision of security services and solutions to customers. Our mission is to create material, sustainable value for our customers and shareholders by being the supply partner of choice in all our markets.

G4S is quoted on the London Stock Exchange and has a secondary stock exchange listing in Copenhagen. After taking account of the businesses being sold in the year, G4S is active in around 85 countries and has around 533,000 employees. For more information on G4S, visit


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