bioLytical Laboratories Announces Launch of INSTI® 1-Minute COVID-19 Antibody Test

Udgivet den 15-10-2020  |  kl. 14:46  |  

INSTI® COVID-19 Antibody Test is bioLytical's new one-minute test, detecting antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 with high accuracy.
bioLytical has received CE Mark and approval to sell the test across Europe. bioLytical announced today that test kits are now available in Europe.

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- bioLytical Laboratories today announced the release in Europe of a new one-minute antibody test for COVID-19 following the notification of CE approval, which signifies the product meets European safety standards.

Approval of the INSTI® COVID-19 Antibody Test allows bioLytical to commence production of the new test kits and as a result bioLytical is now working with customers to rapidly distribute the test to support the growing demand for antibody testing around the globe.

"Reliable and truly rapid antibody tests are an important part of our response to this global crisis," said Robert Mackie, Chief Executive Officer. "The INSTI® COVID-19 Antibody Test is a uniquely effective tool and distribution of our one-minute test kits around the globe is a critical step for tackling the spread of this virus."

The test detects total antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, in only one minute. It is the only test of its kind to use innovative flow-through technology to deliver results, making it far faster than other antibody tests currently available.

With current tests offering lower performance, more complex procedures as well as longer wait times, the INSTI® COVID-19 Antibody Test provides the most cost-effective solution for COVID-19 antibody testing.

The INSTI® COVID-19 Antibody Test is completely portable, does not require additional equipment and can be performed in a multitude of settings with easy-to-interpret results.  Test providers actually have the advantage of running more tests in less time, due to INSTI®'s market-leading speed.

As a global leader in ultra-rapid infectious disease tests, bioLytical is working to bring as many INSTI® COVID-19 Antibody test kits as possible to customers and patients.

About bioLytical Laboratories Inc. 

bioLytical Laboratories Inc. is a privately-owned Canadian company focused on the research, development and commercialization of rapid in vitro medical diagnostics. Using its proprietary INSTI® technology platform, bioLytical's product line features the INSTI® HIV-1 / HIV-2 Antibody Test, INSTI® Multiplex HIV / Syphilis Test and INSTI® HIV Self Test, plus a pipeline that includes solutions for HCV. With global regulatory approvals including US FDA approval, Health Canada approval, WHO Prequalification and CE mark, INSTI® generates meaningful outcomes for patients, healthcare professionals, payers and public health organizations, as well as contributing to global health strategies.

Source: bioLytical Laboratories

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