Spanish FCC and Dutch Heijmans team up for reconstruction A9 Badhoevedorp - Holendrecht

Udgivet den 10-12-2020  |  kl. 06:30  |  


In September 2019, the Spanish construction company FCC was granted the responsibility for the design, construction and maintenance during the first two years of operation of the widening of the A9. As part of this project, FCC has now decided to subcontract both the asphalting work and the construction of the acoustic barriers to Heijmans for a value of about € 80 - 90 mln.

For the timeframe and for the benefit of the project, FCC and Heijmans have signed a cooperation agreement. FCC's international experience together with Heijmans contacts and local knowledge will thus both be beneficial to the development of the project.

FCC welcomes Heijmans in the project. FCC, in its 120-year history, has strategically chosen to establish collaborative relationships with the local communities and companies in the areas where we operate. FCC is convinced that local knowledge strengthens our projects.

Heijmans is excited about the cooperation. Heijmans is happy to join forces with FCC and to create value for Rijkswaterstaat, the road users and the surrounding municipalities of the A9 project. Heijmans will share knowledge and experiences in close cooperation with FCC and we look forward to execute the asphalt and noise screen work packages and other future work packages. 

About the project
Apart from expanding the existing A9 motorway between the traffic junctions Badhoevedorp and Holendrecht south of Amsterdam from three to four lanes in each direction and the construction of a tidal lane, a section of 1.6 km will be lowered in a so called 'sunken highway' with roofs on 3 places. In addition, noise pollution barriers are planned along a section of all together 14 km. The project aims to improve the flow of traffic, reduce traffic jams and improve the quality of life in the urban area by improving the connection between the periphery to the metropolis of Amsterdam while also offering more protection against noise pollution.

The project A9 Badhoevedorp-Holendrecht marks the fifth and final project for expanding the Schiphol-Amsterdam-Almere corridor and is part of the Schiphol-Amsterdam-Almere (SAA) project of Rijkswaterstaat.

FCC Construcción
FCC Construcción is among the fifteen largest construction companies in Europe and among the top forty in the world. The FCC Group construction area executes all kinds of civil works, both residential and non-residential construction. The professionals of the FCC Group, through its infrastructures, serve more than 500 million citizens worldwide. The 120 years of the FCC Group have served to demonstrate its technical capacity and innovation, as well as to demonstrate the company's commitment to citizens, improving its well-being.

About Heijmans
Everyone wants clean air, to live in a nice neighbourhood, to work in a good workplace and to be able to travel safely from A to B. By making things better, more sustainable and smarter, Heijmans is creating that healthy living environment. Jan Heijmans started as a road builder in 1923. Today, Heijmans is a stock exchange-listed company that combines activities in property development, building & technology and infrastructure. In addition to this, we work safely and we add value to the places where we are active. This is how we build the spatial contours of tomorrow together with our clients:

For more information / not for publication:

Jeroen van den Berk
+31 73 543 52 17

Guido Peters
Investor Relations
+ 31 73 543 52 17


Full press release


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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