Correction: the number of shares indicated - 380.396.585 and declared dividends per share - 0,0198 EUR.
On 15 April 2021 AB "Klaipėdos nafta" (hereinafter - Company) received a proposal from the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as the Shareholder), that executes the rights of the Shareholder - the Republic of Lithuania that owns 275 687 444 ordinary registered shares, making 72,45 per cent of the total amount of the Company's shares, on an alternative draft resolution of the issue on the agenda of the ordinary registered meeting of shareholders of the Company to be convened on 30 April 2021.
Following paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of Article 25 of the Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania, the Shareholder as the person exercising the right to propose draft resolutions of the Company's General Meeting, holding shares that grant at least 1/20 of all the votes, proposes to approve the following draft resolution of the fourth item on the agenda of the Meeting "On the appropriation of profit (loss) of the Company for the year 2020":
"To allocate profit of the Company in the following order:
No. | Ratios | Amount in EUR thousand |
1. | Retained earnings of previous financial year at the end of financial year | 77 |
2. | Total comprehensive income | 33.195 |
3. | Profit (loss) for the financial year not recognised in the statement of comprehensive income | |
4. | Transfers from restricted reserves | |
5. | Shareholders' contribution against losses | |
6. | Profit for allocation (1+2+3+4+5) | 33.272 |
7. | Share of profit allocated to legal reserve | 3 |
8. | Share of profit allocated to own shares acquisition | |
9. | Share of profit allocated to the reserve for the allocation of shares | |
10. | Share of profit allocated to other reserves | 25.654 |
11. | Share of profit allocated to dividends | 7.538 |
12. | Share of profit allocated to tantiems | |
13. | Non-allocated profit (loss) at the end of the financial year carried forward to next financial year (6-7-8-9-10-11-12) | 77 |
Number of shares, units: | 380.396.585 |
Dividends per share: | 0,0198 EUR |
The Company presented the information provided for in applicable legal acts, which must be presented when informing about the convocation of the meeting, on 8 April 2021 when notifying about the General Meeting of Shareholders. An updated general voting ballot paper is enclosed herewith.
Jonas Lenkšas, Chief Financial Officer, +370 694 80594
Annex No. 1_Ballot paper_GMS_EN_2021-04-30