Incentive scheme

Udgivet den 22-02-2024  |  kl. 12:35  |  

Company announcement no. 5/2024

To strengthen Columbus A/S' results and value creation for the company's shareholders, retain and motivate senior executives, the Board of Directors has decided to exercise part of the authorization in Art. 5 in the company's Articles of Association and issue 1,299,999 warrants, each of which entitles the recipient to subscribe for 1 share of nominal DKK 1.25, in Columbus A/S.

If all warrants are exercised, the total capital increase in Columbus A/S will amount to DKK 1,624,998.75, corresponding to 1,299,999 shares of DKK 1.25.

The exercise periods are scheduled to the first 14 days after publication of the company's first financial statements succeeding expiry of the relevant vesting periods. The first exercise period is scheduled to the first 14 days after publication of the company's financial statements for 2024. The second exercise period is scheduled to the first 14 days after publication of the company's financial statements for 2025. The third exercise period in relation to the new warrant program is scheduled to the first 14 days after publication of the company's financial statements for 2026.

On the basis of Black & Scholes' calculation, the total market value forecast of the warrants to be expensed according to IFRS during 2024, 2025 and 2026 is up to DKK 1,923,999.

Following the issuance of warrants, the authorization of the Board of Directors to issue warrants is reduced to nominally DKK 7,812,501.25 in Art. 5 of the Articles of Association.

The issue of warrants is in accordance with the Company's remuneration policy, incl. guidelines for incentive programs, which were adopted at the Company's Annual General Meeting on 29 April 2022.

The exercise price is based on the average quoted share price in the three trading days prior to the grant date.

The warrants are granted to a senior executive contingent on employment in the company in the below-mentioned vesting periods.

Share warrants based on employment (new warrant program):
Vesting period Right to subscribe shares at DKK 1.25 (nom.) per share Conditions
February 22nd 2024 -
December 31st 2024:
433.333 shares at DKK 7.24 per share Employment in Columbus A/S at December 31st 2024
February 22nd 2024 -
December 31st 2025:
433.333 shares at DKK 7.24 per share Employment in Columbus A/S at December 31st 2025
February 21nd 2024 -
December 31st 2026:
433.333 shares at DKK 7.24 per share Employment in Columbus A/S at December 31st 2026

Ib Kunøe                        Søren Krogh Knudsen
Chairman of the Board                CEO & President

For further information, please contact:
CEO & President, Søren Krogh Knudsen, tel : +45 70 20 50 00


SE_05_2024_Incentive scheme


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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