The sale of Aspo's subsidiary ESL Shipping's Supramax vessels has been completed on June 11 2024

Udgivet den 11-06-2024  |  kl. 07:00  |  

Aspo Plc
Press release
June 11, 2024 at 10:00.

The sale of Aspo's subsidiary ESL Shipping's Supramax vessels has been completed on June 11 2024

ESL Shipping, a subsidiary of the Aspo Group, has successfully completed the sale processes of m/s Arkadia and m/s Kumpula, two Supramax-class vessels, as previously announced. The vessels were sold to companies belonging to the Turkish shipping and logistics group HGF Denizcilik Limited Sirket. The sale price was USD 37.1 million.

Aspo Plc

Rolf Jansson

Further information, please contact:

Rolf Jansson, CEO, Aspo Plc, tel. +358 400 600 264,
Mikki Koskinen, Managing Director of ESL Shipping,

Nasdaq Helsinki
Key media

Aspo creates value by owning and developing business operations sustainably and in the long-term. Our companies aim to be market leaders in their sectors. They are responsible for their own operations, customer relationships and the development of these aiming to be forerunners in sustainability. Aspo supports its businesses profitability and growth with the right capabilities. Aspo Group has businesses in 16 different countries, and it employs a total of approximately 750 professionals.


Aspo Plc Press release


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