Technology Pushes the boundaries of online payments in 2024: MDC examines biometric payments

Udgivet den 30-09-2024  |  kl. 17:38  |  

WATERFORD, Ireland, Sept. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A new phenomenon in 2024 is taking digital payments to the next level - biometric facial and fingerprint verification. Minimum Deposit Casinos (MDC) - a division of the OneTwenty Group - decided to analyze this technology in September 2024 and found it was reshaping how people make payments, especially at regulated online casinos.

"This is without a doubt a next-generation experience. With a simple glance or touch, players can easily verify their identity when making deposits and withdrawals. This magnifies convenience for players by eliminating cumbersome steps and long waiting periods - truly pushing the boundaries of what's possible," said Miranda Raaff, Head of iGaming Information at MDC.

"We've seen a shift in how players choose to make deposits as low as $1. With the demand for faster, more secure transactions growing worldwide, biometric payments have become a game-changer, banishing the need for passwords and PINs, and setting a new standard across the global online casino space. And this could not have come at a more prudent time, when Halloween (#1 October 2024) is around the corner."

While speed and convenience are crucial, the security of digital payments cannot be overstated. The ecosystem is built on cutting-edge mechanics that ensure financial information is protected with the highest standards of security. Advanced military encryption methods, multi-factor authentication, and blockchain technology ensure that transactions are not only fast but also safe from potential cyber threats.

"The technology that powers this payment solution is nothing short of remarkable. Blockchain particularly adds an extra layer of protection which makes it nearly impossible for transactions to be altered or tampered with. Players can now make secure transactions in seconds without worrying about remembering passwords. It's the future of digital payments, and it's happening right now before our eyes," said Raaff.

As the digital payment ecosystem continues to evolve, MDC emphasized that regulated online casinos were embracing it with open arms.

About MDC

MDC, a division of the OneTwenty Group, is a global iGaming resource portal that reviews and recommends the most trusted and regulated online casinos to players. MDC analyses every aspect of online casinos from checking gaming license details to security, responsible gambling tools, and fair gaming practices, before recommending them to players.

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