Movie Soul Searching: Inheriting the Culture and Promoting the Protection of the Great Wall

Udgivet den 04-12-2024  |  kl. 11:27  |  

SHIJIAZHUANG, China, Dec. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Recently, the movie Soul Searching, co-produced by Hebei Guangdian Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd. and Yanwen Film and Television Culture and Media Hebei Co., has completed filming in Qian'an City, Hebei Province. The movie will be officially launched in major theaters in the near future.

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.

The movie tells the story of Bai Fugui, a protector of the Great Wall, who starts a journey to find a ring hidden in a brick. In the process of searching, he uncovers a series of lesser-known heroic deeds that took place at the foot of the Great Wall, where soldiers and civilians defended their country. With his love for the Great Wall, Bai Fugui finds the meaning of guarding the Great Wall. The movie not only shows the fate and growth of various characters at the foot of the Great Wall, but also draws more people's attention to the story of the Great Wall and the group of Great Wall protectors.

Li Wei, the film's writer and director, said, Truth is the strongest source of motivation for our work. Most of the plots in the movie are based on real events. He called on everyone: Let's join hands to pass on the culture of the Great Wall and use our strength to contribute to the protection of the Great Wall.

The Great Wall is more than 2,000 kilometers long in Hebei. It has been said that The Great Wall has left the most beautiful part to Hebei. Hebei has many famous scenic spots, such as the Old Dragon's Head to the Sea, the Most Beautiful Great Wall, the underwater Great Wall, as well as the world's first pass - Shanhaiguan, the upside down Great Wall, The Marble Great Wall and so on.


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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