Implementation of share buyback programme

Udgivet den 28-01-2025  |  kl. 07:24  |  

Nasdaq Copenhagen
Euronext Dublin
London Stock Exchange
Danish FSA
Other stakeholders

Date    28 January 2025

Implementation of share buyback programme

In accordance with the corporate announcement pf 20 November 2024, the bank will implement a new share buyback programme of DKK 500 million for cancellation at a future general meeting.

The share buyback programme is based on the general authority which the bank's annual general meeting of 28 February 2024 granted to the board of directors, enabling the bank to acquire its own shares.

The share buyback programme runs in the period 28 January 2025 up to and including 28 May 2025 provided that the forthcoming annual general meeting, to be held on 5 March 2024, gives the board a new authority to permit the bank to acquire its own shares.

During the period the bank will thus buy back its own shares for a total of up to DKK 500 million under the programme, but to a maximum of 800,000 shares.

The share buyback programme will be implemented in compliance with Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016, which together constitute the Safe Harbour rules.

The bank may suspend or stop the buyback of shares at any time, in which event a corporate announcement will be issued.

The conditions for the share buyback programme are as follows:

The purpose of the share buyback is to adjust the bank's capital structure.

Ringkjøbing Landbobank has appointed Danske Bank lead manager of the share buyback programme. Danske Bank will make all trading decisions independently, without influence from Ringkjøbing Landbobank, and will purchase shares within the published limits.

The maximum amount that Ringkjøbing Landbobank may pay for shares purchased under the programme is DKK 500 million, while the maximum number of shares which it may acquire under the programme is 800,000.

Ringkjøbing Landbobank may not purchase shares at a price exceeding the higher of (i) the price of the latest independent transaction; or (ii) the highest bid from an independent buyer on Nasdaq Copenhagen at the time of the transaction.

The total number of shares that Ringkjøbing Landbobank may purchase on a single trading day cannot exceed 25% of the average daily traded volume over the preceding 20 trading days on Nasdaq Copenhagen.

Ringkjøbing Landbobank will issue a separate weekly announcement to Nasdaq Copenhagen, in both aggregated and detailed form, stating the number and value of the shares it has purchased.

Yours faithfully

Ringkjøbing Landbobank

John Fisker


Aktietilbagekøbsprogram 2025 igangsætning EN


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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