Kalmar Corporation's conveyance of own shares based on the long-term incentive plan

Udgivet den 12-03-2025  |  kl. 14:30  |  


Kalmar Corporation's conveyance of own shares based on the long-term incentive plan

A total of 68,611 of Kalmar Corporation's treasury shares (class B) have been conveyed without consideration to 32 key persons based on the Performance Share Plan 2022-2024 (PSP 2022-2024), Restricted Share Plan 2022-2024 (RSP 2022-2024) and Restricted Share Plan 2023-2025 (RSP 2023-2025).

The directed share issue is based on an authorization given by the Annual General Meeting of Cargotec Corporation held on 30 May 2024 and the decision of the Kalmar Board of Directors on the transfer on 12 February 2025.

The shares were conveyed on 12 March 2025. After the conveyance Kalmar Corporation holds 181,389 of its own class B shares.

Kalmar announced the long-term incentive plans in a stock exchange release issued on 7 August 2024 and the payment based on the long-term incentive plans in a stock exchange release issued on 12 February 2025. More information on Kalmar's share based incentive plans is available on www.kalmarglobal.com.

For further information, please contact:
Carina Geber-Teir, SVP, IR, Marketing & Communications, tel. +358 40 502 4697

Kalmar (Nasdaq Helsinki: KALMAR) is moving goods in critical supply chains around the world, with the vision to be the forerunner in sustainable material handling equipment and services. The company offers a wide range of industry shaping heavy material handling equipment and services to ports and terminals, distribution centres, manufacturing and heavy logistics. Headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, Kalmar operates globally in over 120 countries and employs approximately 5,200 people. In 2024, the company's sales totalled approximately EUR 1.7 billion. www.kalmarglobal.com


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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