Columbus acquires US consultancy

Udgivet den 02-02-2015  |  kl. 07:53  |  

Release no. 1/2015

Today, Columbus A/S has concluded an agreement about acquisition of InterDyn BMI, a leading US consultancy. The acquisition of InterDyn BMI is in line with Columbus’ strategy to expand within the company’s key markets and hereby strengthen the company’s global position as an innovative solution provider.


InterDyn BMI’s substantial market share in the US market supports Columbus’ ambition to strengthen the company’s position as a value provider of industry specific consultancy and business solutions to companies within the retail, manufacturing and food industries.


“We are pleased to announce the acquisition of InterDyn BMI, as it will increase our market share and growth potential in the US. InterDyn BMI is a solid company with a strong customer base, and with a total number of 23 offices across the country, Columbus will strengthen our reach and position in the US significantly”, says Thomas Honoré, CEO, Columbus.


InterDyn was founded in 1985 and has today more than 2,000 customers. In 2014, InterDyn BMI had a revenue of DKK 162m and earnings of DKK 4.3m. The company has 125 employees.


The acquisition, for an undisclosed sum, is with immediate effect.


Ib Kunøe                                                 Thomas Honoré

Chairman                                               CEO

Columbus A/S                                       Columbus A/S




For further information, please contact:

CEO Thomas Honoré, T: +45 70 20 50 00.


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