RTX sell the head office in Nørresundby

Udgivet den 23-12-2015  |  kl. 11:13  |  

It has previously been announced that RTX have examined the possibilities of selling the head office in Nørresundby. The purpose of the sale is to increase the company’s strategic freedom and focus our financial resources on international business development within wireless technological solutions (ref. announcement no. 65).


Colliers International A/S have assisted and advised RTX in the process of examining the possiblities of the best possible transfer of the building.


On this background RTX have today entered an agreement about sale of the building to a company primarily owned by an institutional investor and is administrated by Kristensen Properties A/S. On behalf of institutional, financial and private investors, Kristensen Properties administrates property investments at a value of more than DKK 10.0 billion.   


With the agreement RTX sell the building as per 1 January 2016, and RTX enter an agreement about a 10 years’ partial lease of the premises. The sale is expected to generate revenue of approx. DKK 71.5 million. Today the building functions as a Business Park with a number of external leases. The new owner of the building will continue this activity.


The consequences of the agreement concerning the building are included in the announced expectations for 2015/16 (ref. announcement no. 65).


Yours sincerely,


Jacob Vittrup, CFO


For further information please contact:

CFO Jacob Vittrup, tel.+45  96 32 23 00

Vedhæftede filer:

FB2015 76_UK Sale of head office.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk