Asiakastieto Group will change its name to Enento Group

Udgivet den 12-06-2020  |  kl. 12:15  |  


Asiakastieto Group will change its name to Enento Group 

The Annual General Meeting of Asiakastieto Group Plc held today,12 June 2020 decided to change the name of the company to Enento Group Plc, in Finnish Enento Group Oyj.

In recent years, Enento Group has grown from a local player to a Nordic knowledge company. The name change supports our goal to continue growth, increase service offering in the Nordics and create a basis for strengthening our Nordic presence.

Enento comes from the Latin word Nento which means to entwine. At Enento, this is done daily by collecting and transforming data into intelligence and knowledge used in interactions between people, businesses and societies.

Enento Group presented on 8 May 2020 the strategy for 2020 - 2023. Asiakastieto has three main offering goals for the strategy period: to retain and strengthen the leading position in the credit information business, to become the number one choice in data-driven business processes as a service, and to become the leader in business information. Focus on innovation, building of a future-fit innovative organization and building of a Nordic platform will enable Asiakastieto to achieve the set goals.

"We have been the pioneers in enabling responsible lending and preventing excessive debt incursion for more than a century. Today, as Enento Group, we are a Nordic knowledge company which will continue to power people, businesses and the society with intelligence also in the future. The new name makes us an even more cohesive and a stronger Nordic player", says Jukka Ruuska, CEO of Enento Group. 

Enento Group will continue to use the local market brands Asiakastieto and Emaileri in the Finnish market. UC, Allabolag and Proff will continue to be local market brands in the Swedish market and Proff will continue to be local brand in Norway and Denmark. In connection with the name change of the Group, we will launch a new unified visual identity for all local brands.

The current trading symbol of the share ATG1V will change to ENENTO.

For more information about Enento Group, please visit 


For further information:
Jukka Ruuska
Tel. +358 10 270 7111

Nasdaq Helsinki
Major media

Asiakastieto Group is one of the leading providers of digital business and consumer information services in the Nordic countries. The Group's products and services are primarily used for risk management, finance and administration, decision-making and sales and marketing purposes. We are operating in Finland under the brand Suomen Asiakastieto and in Sweden under the brand UC. Our annual net sales for 2019 was EUR 146 million and the number of employees was approximately 420. The Group serves several industries, the largest ones including finance and banking as well as wholesale and retail sectors and expert service companies. Asiakastieto Group is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki with the trading code ATG1V. More information about Asiakastieto Group is available at and


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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