Arcastream announces the appointment of three new board members

Udgivet den 02-11-2020  |  kl. 12:56  |  

LONDON, Nov. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Award-winning storage provider Arcastream has made a series of board appointments to steer the company through a period of growth and expansion. Joining the board are Paul Cameron, Global Managing Director, Joanne Fawell, Chief Marketing Officer, and Chad Knowles, Chief Executive Officer, North America.

Arcastream works with Life Sciences, Financial, Machine Learning and Academic Research Institutions such as Imperial College London, Yale University, AstraZeneca, Oxford Nanopore Technologies, and PathAI to solve data management and workflow challenges.

Ben Leaver, CEO and Co-Founder of Arcastream, comments:

"We're very pleased to appoint three new board members, who each bring strong experience and remarkable talent at an exciting time of growth and new opportunity for the company. These appointments will drive Arcastream forward and help deliver our mission for our customers, a simpler and more intelligent data solution with guaranteed performance."

Paul Cameron, Global Managing Director

Paul enjoyed over 20 years with IBM, where he led sales and client teams to drive growth and deliver success, helping his clients store, manage, and protect their most valuable asset: data.

In 2012 Paul joined one of IBM's most successful storage value-added-resellers, Tectrade, as Sales Director and helped Tectrade expand into the USA before being sold to CSI Ltd. Paul recently joined Arcastream to lead the company's visions and global strategies.

Joanne Fawell, Chief Marketing Officer

Joanne brings a wealth of marketing experience to the board having driven the brand and product marketing strategies for a number of major Media and Entertainment companies including Sony PlayStation, The Walt Disney Company and Autodesk.

Prior to joining Arcastream, Joanne worked to help grow Autodesk's Design and Manufacturing business in the UK&I region. With responsibility for the Arcastream brand and products, Joanne will lead the communication and marketing strategies to drive the company's growth.

Chad Knowles, CEO, North America

Chad Knowles joined Arcastream in 2020 as CEO, North America, to lead its growth initiatives in the US.

Before joining Arcastream, Chad was the CEO and Co-founder at OpenDrives and the Co-founder of several media technology companies including DCS and Secure Path Technologies. Chad has held senior level executive positions at Isilon and Dell EMC. During his tenure at OpenDrives, Chad helped the company increase revenue by 415%, increase ARPA by 424%, and expand internationally across Europe and Asia.

For more information:


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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