Interim report - Q1 2020/21
As expected, Roblon was negatively affected by COVID-19 in the first quarter of 2020/21
Interim report - Q1 2020/21 (the period 1 November 2020 - 31 January 2021)
The Board of Directors of Roblon A/S has today considered and approved the Group's interim report for Q1 2020/21.
Highlights of the interim report of the Roblon Group:
As expected, the COVID-19 pandemic severely impacted Roblon's Q1 revenue and earnings, which largely developed as projected by Management in the profit guidance in the 2019/20 Annual Report. However, profit/loss before tax was slightly better than expected due to lower-than-expected depreciation and amortisation and a positive market value adjustment of the securities portfolio.
The order intake amounted to DKKm 91.7 (DKKm 92.3). Relative to the year-earlier period, order intake grew in the FOC product group but declined in the Composite product group.
The order book at 31 January 2021 stood at DKKm 73.8 (DKKm 54.4). The increase related to the FOC product group.
As expected, the Group's revenue was adversely affected by COVID-19 in Q1 2020/21, most significantly in the Composite product group. Revenue amounted to DKKm 42.3 (DKKm 73.7), relative to the guided level of DKKm 40-45.
The gross margin was 46.6% (54.7%), reflecting the product mix in Q1 2020/21.
The Group recognised an operating loss before depreciation, amortisation and impairment (EBITDA) of DKKm 12.0 (a profit of DKKm 8.2), against a guided loss in the range of DKKm 11-9.
EBIT amounted to an operating loss of DKKm 16.6 (a profit of DKKm 4.1).
The Group recorded a loss before tax of DKKm 15.9 (a profit of DKKm 4.9), relative to a guided loss before tax in the range of DKKm 19-17.
The loss for the period after tax amounted to DKKm 12.3 (a profit of DKKm 3.9).
At 31 January 2021, Roblon's equity stood at DKKm 225.2 (DKKm 219.9).
Cash flow from operations for the period was an outflow of DKKm 4.6 (an outflow of DKKm 0.8).
Guidance for full year 2020/21 maintained
Management expects revenue for the first half of 2020/21 of around DKKm 105.0 (DKKm 142.0), an operating loss before depreciation, amortisation and impairment (EBITDA) of around DKKm 14.0 (a profit of DKKm 14.7 ex. Senvion) and a loss before tax of around DKKm 23.0 (a profit of DKKm 6.1 ex. Senvion).
At the end of Q1 2020/21, the full-year guidance for 2020/21 is unchanged. Management expects revenue in the DKKm 260-280 range (2019/20: DKKm 254.6), an operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment (EBITDA) in the range of DKKm 5-13 (DKKm 9.2 ex. Senvion) and a loss before tax in the range of DKKm 19-11 (a loss of DKKm 8.4 ex. Senvion).
Head office building put up for sale
In 2018/19, Roblon decided to initiate a prospective sale of the Group's head office in Frederikshavn. After the sale, the Group's Danish activities will all be located at Roblon's facilities in Gærum, which currently house production and various administrative functions. As well as generating positive synergies in the day-to-day operations, this initiative is also expected to have a positive impact on Roblon's results and equity going forward. Relevant prospective buyers have shown an interest in the property, but the sales process is expected to continue to be somewhat hampered by the COVID-19 situation.
Frederikshavn, 10 March 2021
Roblon A/S
Jørgen Kjær Jacobsen Lars Østergaard
Chairman of the Board Managing Director and CEO
Enquiries regarding this announcement should be addressed to:
Managing Director and CEO Lars Østergaard, tel. +45 9620 3300
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