Announcement of the Management's or Related parties' trading with SP Group shares
Schur Finance a/s, related parties to Chairman Hans Wilhelm Schur (Hans W. Schur is chairman of Schur Finance a/s) has on 14 April 2021 sold 190,000 number of shares in SP Group, ID code DK0061027356, at a price of DKK 336 equal to DKK 63,840,000.00.
Gadplast ApS, related parties to Chief Executive Officer Frank Gad (Frank Gad is the Managing Director in Gadplast ApS and Gadplast ApS is a subsidiary of Frank Gad ApS) has today sold 80,000 number of shares in SP Group, ID code DK0061027356, at a price of DKK 336 equal to DKK 26,880,000.00.
Gadinvest A/S, related parties to Chief Executive Officer Frank Gad (Frank Gad is the Managing Director in Gadinvest A/S) has today sold 70,000 number of shares in SP Group A/S, IC code DK0061027356, at a price of DKK 336 equal to DKK 23,520,000.00.
Executive Officer Frank Gad has today sold 40,000 number of shares in SP Group, ID code DKK0061027356, at a price of DKK 13,440,000.00.
Executive assistant Mia Mørk has today sold 20,000 number of shares in SP Group, ID code DK0061027356, at a price of DKK 336 equal to DKK 6,720,000.00.
Ulstrup Invest ApS, related parties to Executive Vice President Søren Ulstrup (Søren Ulstrup is Chairman in Ulstrup Invest ApS), has today sold 60,000 number of shares in SP Group, ID code DK0061027356, at a price of DKK 336 equal to DKK 20,160,000.00.
See also attachments.
Chief Executive Officer Frank Gad says: "Two foreign investors have shown us the confidence that they want to acquire shares in SP Group to an amount of EUR 21 million which we are happy about. Therefore, the Executive Management has chosen to make the shares available".
Meddelelse nr. 25 - Insider trading - ENG - 14 04 21