Swift Navigation's Skylark Precise Positioning Service Achieves ISO 26262 Certification for the Functional Safety of Road Vehicles

Udgivet den 04-06-2024  |  kl. 14:00  |  

Skylark is the first cloud-based real-time service of any kind to be certified compliant with ISO 26262, setting the standard for the development of safety-critical automotive capabilities in the cloud

SAN FRANCISCO, June 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Swift Navigation, a market leader in precise positioning technologies for automotive, IoT, and mobile applications, today announced that its Skylark® Precise Positioning Service has been certified as compliant with the ISO 26262 standard for the functional safety of road vehicles by third-party auditor, UL Solutions.

Skylark delivers uniform, centimeter accurate positioning through carrier-grade networks deployed and operated in partnership with mobile network operators (MNOs) around the world. Over 20 automotive OEMs and tier-1 suppliers work with Swift to support their precise navigation, ADAS, and vehicle autonomy programs.

ISO 26262 is a globally recognized automotive functional safety standard that sets strict requirements for electrical and electronic components within road vehicles. It is designed to ensure vehicles function safely even when systems malfunction, and defines procedures for identifying hazards and eliminating risks during the development process. Skylark is the first cloud-based real-time service to be certified compliant with the standard, and is certified to the ASIL B(D) level.

As the automotive industry advances toward higher levels of autonomy and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication, cloud-based services will play a larger role in the safe and coordinated operation of vehicles. Skylark's certification sets the precedent for the development of future technologies that will be required to achieve these goals.

"Skylark was designed from the ground up to be compliant with the ISO 26262 standard because we believe that cloud-based services for safety applications must be held to the same stringent standards as components inside the vehicle," said Joel Gibson, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Automotive, Swift Navigation. "This certification is a testament to Swift's dedication to delivering the highest quality solutions that pave the way for the future of ADAS and autonomous vehicles."

In addition to this latest certification, Swift is also certified to ISO 9001 for quality management, ISO 2000 for service management, ISO 27001 for information security, ISO 21434 for automotive cybersecurity, and ASPICE Level 2 for automotive software best practices.

Swift Navigation is changing the way we understand and navigate the planet. Swift's precise positioning solutions enable centimeter-level mapping, tracking, and navigation to unlock vehicle autonomy, industrial automation, and digital innovation across industries globally. Some of the largest companies in the world are leveraging Swift's technology to enable safer driving, deliver autonomous vehicles and equipment, optimize logistics, and unleash next-generation mobile applications for navigation, worker safety, and augmented reality, among others. Learn more about how Swift is building a safer and more connected future at swiftnav.com.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/37405ea3-d79b-4569-8fb9-a8d7d6c922c3


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