The Moroccan group OCP confirms contracts for more than DKK 150 mio. with SKAKO Vibration

Udgivet den 27-09-2024  |  kl. 10:54  |  

Press release        

                                Faaborg, September 27, 2024

The Moroccan group OCP confirms contracts for more than DKK 150 mio. with SKAKO Vibration

In continuation of company announcement 8/2024 dated 4 August 2024, we hereby announce that OCP SA, has given final confirmation of its orders for scrubbing equipment for two phosphate mining plants in Morocco. The contracts represent a total value of more than DKK 150 mio. in accordance with the previously received award messages.

Most of the revenue from these orders is expected to be included in 2025 and 2026; however, a minor part will be included in 2024 and will not affect our guidance for 2024.

A success based on strong references
We are already working to supply our customer as soon as possible. We have already successfully completed the same phosphate scrubbing line recently and we have perfect control over the design and manufacturing processes to deliver equipment that has the high capacities required by the customer, says Lionel Girieud, CEO of SKAKO Vibration.

SKAKO Vibration
Since SKAKO Concrete divestment end of 2023, SKAKO Vibration is the main part of the SKAKO Group. SKAKO Vibration develops, designs and sells high-end vibratory feeding, conveying, and screening equipment, used across the complete spectrum of material handling and processing. Our main focus is on plant sales with a solid after sales division. The production facilities are based in Faaborg in Denmark, Strasbourg in France and San Sebastian in Spain, and the products are based on application know-how and own developed technology.
The global market is penetrated using a niche strategy with a sector-driven focus. We are strong within the automotive sector, the mining sector and the recycling sector. The main markets are EU, North Africa and the US. We have strong focus on expanding in Morocco to support our significant growth within supplying to the phosphate mining sector. Focus is also on becoming one of the leading global participants in the automotive and in the recycling industries.

Best regards

Jens Wittrup Willumsen
Chairman of the Board
Tel.: +45 23 47 56 40


Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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