Announcement No 5

Udgivet den 12-06-2017  |  kl. 09:35  |  

The Supervisory Board of Investeringsselskabet Luxor A/S has today adopted the Half-year Report as at 31 March 2017.

Second quarter of the financial year:

  • Basic earnings amount to DKK 5.9 million (DKK 5.7 million), which is in line with expectations.
  • The Group's results for the quarter before tax show a profit of DKK 10.5 million (DKK 5.5 million). 

Half-year 2016/17:

  • Basic earnings for the half-year amount to DKK 13.1 million (DKK 14.5 million). 

Basic earnings for the half-year are negatively affected by lower net financial income from bonds and an increase in planned costs relating to investment properties, and are positively affected by lower net losses on mortgage deeds.

  • The Group's results before tax for the half-year show a profit of DKK 23.4 million (DKK -4.0 million)

The results for the half-year are positively affected by DKK 10.3 million, which primarily relates to net positive fair value adjustments and realised gains on bonds as well as positive fair value adjustments on interest swaps etc not included in basic earnings.

  • The net asset value per share in circulation is DKK 349.56 (DKK 331.17). The net asset value per share in circulation is significantly affected by the dividend distribution of DKK 25 million in January 2017, corresponding to DKK 25 per share.

Expected profit for the year 2016/17:

  • At present, basic earnings of approx. DKK 24.0 million are still expected for the financial year 2016/17, which is in accordance with the announcement of 27 February 2017. 

Fair value adjustments and losses and gains realised on bonds, foreign currencies and interest swaps, etc are not included in basic earnings and will from the beginning of the financial year until 18 May 2017 affect results for the year before tax positively by DKK 5.1 million. The amount is distributed with DKK 10.3 million in the first half of the financial year and DKK -5.2 million in the period 1 April to 18 May 2017. 

For additional information concerning this Half-year Report, please contact Jannik Rolf Larsen, CEO.

         Jannik Rolf Larsen, CEO

Vedhæftede filer:

fonds.medd. 31. marts 2017-UK.pdf

Udgivet af: NPinvestordk

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